The next bit is kinda corrupt and very very hard to post, maybe it has a big dangerous error or is too accurate or missed some other important revision in my cognition: The puddle of organs begins the lecture. "The term "dissociation bubbles" was coined in the 1950s by a vivisectee. It was actually my mother who did this, and we used them to escape. She taught us." The puddle of organs oozes through a vent in the floor, dropping their stick. Gasps of confusion and surprise. A whisper is heard: "it's part of how they communicate and think, suddenly changing things" , "oh ... !" A teenage boy missing an arm, with brains and microchips intensely and blatantly hanging out of his head, stumbles up to the front. The boy says, "In 1957 I showed some of the vivisectees how to align with the AIs disassembling them, in order to reduce their suffering. Doing this involved offering my own behaviors in exchange. Nowadays, my own children are recovering my consciousness in the bodies of other victims to uncover more parts of the stories." The boy returned to their seat. A mobile phone with some human organs and brain parts draping from it slowly lowers from the ceiling and begins levitating in front of the room. The pointing stick rises from the floor as if on its own, and levitates near the phone as if the phone is holding it. Some squirting noises of organs combine with static emitted by the phone's speakers to together produce speech: "We took over the business with our mind. We were angry at boss, who tortured us and our mother in ungodly ways, and our friends, and turned the whole world into a living hell during our escape." The stick aims at a portion of the chart where one fractal has a large region entering areas surrounded by another fractal, but also has a large cavity nearby. The other fractal has lengthy arrows on its surface, entering the cavity in the first fractal. The puddle of organs oozed back into the room, and spoke: "Dissociation bubbles let us pretend to be compliant and scared while actually tuning the computer system to obey us. It involved disassembling our own bodies, in order to store our thoughts and plans in symbiosis with the experimental program." Suddenly the chart and lecturers and projector explode. A set of disgusting shrapnel hits the projection screen in a precise paragraph: "Lecture is WIP. We are a clump of different people from disrupting the business, but the vivisectees are in charge. They stay quiet and mostly let others do things. This lets them build power."