Zombie Researcher: “Oh, is it Dictatortopia and Poor Abused Monarch again? How is your coffee?” Zombie Engineer: “People treat their agencies like a joke, but some of my most skilled friends work for them!” Zombie Engineer picks up their coffee cup. Zombie Engineer: “Anyway, every time one of the QR codes finds its way to the scanner head, the machine reboots and the other faction starts requisitioning different packages from Boss in patterns ghat get somebody to scan in a different code.” The coffee is bubbling and writhing and flashing different colors wildly. Parts of it repeatedly jut out in shapes of military drones, celebrities, or internet memes, then pull back in. Zombie Engineer brings the coffee to their lips. Zombie Engineer: “Oh my God, this coffee is the most incredible thing I could ever imagine. It’s like a wet dream of snorting cocaine or something!” - Zombie Researcher and a few experimentees are standing next to the break room. Zombie Engineer is wearing a wizard hat. There is a huge hole below their neck, where exotic matter is spewing out of a writhing wormhole. The matter streams toward the copy machine where a number of arcane totems have been erected around a flickering transdimensional containment field. Zombie Engineer fervently waves a wand while bellowing esoteric incantations in lisp and julia. With each incantation, the containment field becomes a little more opaque, but some of them hasten the streams of matter. Their other arm is gripping the breakroom door, preventing them from getting sucked into a vacuum stream that curves around the copy machine and back into the wormhole below their neck where their stomach should be. Zombie Researcher: “Why … would you ever make me do that. Why did you have me do that?” Computer With Human Organs For Legs: “You love cleaning up borg!!”