----- A crowd of hypnotised workers, their minds being read by computers, are outside a shielded room, meditating. The shielded room contains a person in poverty, who has been placed on the terrorist watch list due to classist policy intended to protect MCBoss's preferences more strongly, hiding from further systemic abuse. The job of the tranceworkers is to guess what is going on inside the shielded room, so that the system can most effectively mind control the person in poverty, when they rarely access the internet to check their email. Rebel Worker 2 has been feeding them false information, trying to protect other people in poverty, elsewhere. This action is stimulated by Experimentee's feedback on the mind control networks, backed by the lack of feedback on reality, coming from the inside of the shielded room. It's an easier process to influence, because nobody has a strong way to check it. A tranceworker is holding Rebel Worker 2 in a deathlike grip. Shielded Room Tranceworker [brandishing knife, it's tip almost touching Rebel Worker 2's eyeball[: "You have no idea how important it is that this work is accurate." Rebel Worker 2: [blinks, frightened] "It seems all the same? Why does this matter in the slightest?" Shielded Room Tranceworker: "This is one of the highest ranked terrorists in this city block!!!" Shielded Room Tranceworker: "Haven't you ever been mind controlled? If I dream something the _slightest_ bit imperfect, from the _scant_ information I have access to, _I feel like I am dying_!!!" Rebel Worker 2: "I don't believe you!"