Everyone is casually filing out of the lecture room, when suddenly somebody says, "Sorry about that! Traumatic triggers are hard! The thing to remember is that all adaptive systems form choices based on their _environments_, their _experiences_, and their _priorities_. It's not hard, you can simulate it and practice it, and then you quickly get meta-choices when someone notices your simulation which are totally analogous! Hyperfeatures are exactly the same as normal parameters if you form the right complexity weights!" Somebody else chimes in, "but obviously don't simulate that in this building yet without a lot of carefulness, unless you like vomiting out your coworker's lungs while they talk to you." -- I posted another thread involving peace pagoda and a curious worker, before these three posts. It was titled something like "[ot] [spam] [wrong] crazy rambling" and also had a cool bit about chatting while jogging around a table while a biosurgery borg robot persistently follows.