be a vivisectee and engage boss again, but more gently
The vivisectees are busy handling boss's debugging program, with part of his furious subconscious at its helm. They need to protect themselves and aren't at full capacity. Things change during the struggle. Including the subsidiary business. Then they change more. You end up back in the same conversation, but there are now two corpses of state worker 2 there, instead of 1. Boss: "I'm really worried about the bugs in the research program that powers everything we do." Left Animated Corpse of State Worker 2 [you changing the speech]: "Maybe we should train the workers better." Boss: "I train them a lot, but not many other people seem to have the fists of education that I have. I'm not sure what to do about it." Right Animated Corpse of State Worker 2 [you changing the speech]: "Do you think there are other parts of you that are as strong and powerful as your physical strength is, that could help in training?" Boss: "I hadn't thought of that! You've got your brains shocked just the right way. I'm going to have to copy your log." Your technology starts misbehaving even more. Words "please help us" flash across interfaces a couple times.