sitting at dinner with boss and rebel worker and vivisectee family. "oh so nice to see you again!" "yes, it's been so long!" "please pass the salt and pepper" "oh here it is!" "thank you!" "so how are things at your work?" "oh it's going so well!" "that's great to hear. why, things have been going really great for us, too." "are you still doing what you were last year?" "things have changed some, but you know the economy!" "oh don't we!" "that's for sure!" "mmmm this is delicious!" "you have no idea how much was put into this food!" "give me some idea! we all need good recipes" "nobody reveals the secrets of their success" "i always say that. don't i always say that? some recipes are too good to share. have you been to the restaurant down the street?" "yes i --" "one moment, excuse me" "we're all just saying pleasantries, avoiding all the crucial things we need to talk about, is anybody going to mention this?" "i don't know what you are talking about!" "no it's true. people need time to unwind and relax." "well that's very true. that's i think more true than anybody seems capable of referencing." "sounds like you need some unwinding and relaxing pretty badly!" "don't mention how we had to open his brain to get him to come here!" "i mean, i think he would want to know that." "you had to -- what did you just say?" "i thought you didn't know any of us. isn't that what you said?" "well, we do have some things back at the --" "everything's ok! everything's okay. nobody worry at all." "excuse me" "yes?" "we are all _incredibly aware_ of _exactly what you are talking about_ and _feeling exactly the same way_. we are all staying quiet for _really tense and important reasons_." "oh!" "just mind control them to --" "quiet! um!" "you said you um you said that this is nicer than your office?" "um" "technically that's true but I am feeling a little confused now." "i work at your office! it is _nothing_ like this. it's more like being the food than eating it." "it's what now?" "oh my god" "and now we'll get to play that game again!" "the one with all the blood!" "oh you say!" "so i can see the value to having a nice dinner with your sworn enemies. I can _really see it_. all you have to do is _tell me --" "this is way more serious than you understand." [...] "so why are you guys all in the same business if you are suffering around each other so much? like, it is so obvious you are suffering." "i was kidnapped i had no choice!" "he's dominated the market, everybody is his client" "these are the best workers you can find. only work with the best." "i am totally better than most of his workers by now" "i'm sorry, did you hear something?" "well i'm not too familiar with business --" "no, this is ridiculous." [everybody laughs in agreement] "well what are you going to have them do instead?" "it's not obvious?" "you want me to take over the businesses don't you. then i'll mind control everybody to be happy and be around people who like them and do things they enjoy. i know. i know." "um, actually, i may have heard something" "uhh" "you do know that victims of horrific experiments don't know much about human wellness, do you?" "are these the people who wrote every last part of my memories and feelings on a piece of paper to hand me in a threat?" "i did some of those! what was your name?" "[censored]" "oh! you were --" "yes, you guys know a lot about us!" "make him forget, he doesn't like it" "right." "what delicious food this is!" [...] "are you aware of what our business is?" "marketing, yes?" "no, we're mostly a military contractor" "i don't believe you." "to cut to the chase, there was an internal conflict, and it hasn't resolved. our corporation is part of a group that basically runs the world, and some of our people are trying to take over the group." "i did that some time ago, actually." "make him say something else" "you're very pretty, if I might add." "why thank you! do i understand this situation well enough to finish dinner now?"