On Sun, Oct 14, 2001 at 10:40:40AM -0700, Tim May wrote:
stuff about zero point energy and perpetual motion machines. And, sometimes, mixed together with the usual nutcase stuff about the Hollow Earth theory (zeta reticulans colonizing the hollow earth, Greys, underground UFO bases, secret Nazi weapons, etc.).
Righto. It's a staple of the UFO fringe. See: http://www.wired.com/news/culture/0,1284,43526,00.html
A briefing book the group handed out to reporters says mankind must learn the truth about UFOs and switch to free energy and beam cars before it's too late.
And then there was this, which I wrote 2.5 years ago. Some folks, including I believe Tim, said at the time that I was being too uncritical, and looking back, they was right. It's a little painful to read; at the very least I should have reversed the order of the article. http://www.wired.com/news/technology/1,1282,19446,00.html
Much of the audience, though, is undeterred. They gather around the stinking, wheezing mower and stare at it as if it were an alien artifact recently recovered from Area 51. They are the perpetually hopeful, the uncritical -- the groupies of the future energy movement.