[wg-all] OGF 44 and Cloud Plugfest sessions at the EGI conference

Sill, Alan alan.sill at ttu.edu
Wed May 20 06:31:08 EDT 2015

Dear OGF community participants,

As sent to the conference attendees, the OGF session details have now been posted to the EGI conference Indico schedule, including opening remarks, Open Cloud Computing Interface working group sessions, meetings of the Federated Security community group, Identity Delegation, VOMS Processing and Certificate Authority Operations working groups (including IGTF topics), and room assignments for the Cloud Interoperability Plugfest sessions for hands-on testing and development.

Thursday: https://indico.egi.eu/indico/conferenceTimeTable.py?confId=2452#20150521
Friday: https://indico.egi.eu/indico/conferenceTimeTable.py?confId=2452#20150522

Opportunities will be given during the Cloud Plugfest for remote participation and an invitation is hereby extended to the community to provide and to share access to testbeds that are suited for use in this part of the program. (Please note that this will be the 16th event in this long-running testing series, and that opportunities will exist to continue the testbed work on a long-running basis as a further outgrowth of this program.)

Please enjoy the rest of the EGI conference if you are attending, and we look forward to seeing you at the OGF sessions. If you are remote, please feel free to contact me regarding Cloud Plugfest remote participation details, which will also be posted to the cloudplugfest.org<http://cloudplugfest.org> and ogf.org<http://ogf.org> web sites. If you have resources that can be shared or made available for testing, please also feel free to send the info. As in previous Cloud Plugfests, a spreadsheet of available testing instances will be made available to all participants.

Alan Sill
VP of Standards
Open Grid Forum
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