[wg-all] Preliminary information for OGF 42 8-12 Sep 2014 in London, and a reminder of the schedule for OGF 41

Sill, Alan alan.sill at ttu.edu
Mon Jul 14 23:11:18 EDT 2014

Dear colleagues,

Many of you especially in Europe may be on vacation or about to leave, so it is important to call your attention right away to the information on OGF 42 to take place the week of 8-12 September in London: https://www.ogf.org/ogf/doku.php/events/ogf-42 .  The time is now to make your plans to attend this event, book your lodging and look into attending the co-located conferences mentioned on that page.

We have been able to arrange for OGF members to register at the same rate as IEEE members for the CAC 2014 conference.  1-, 2-, and 3-day passes are available, and these options (including the full-week registration) will also allow access to all OGF meetings that take place on the day or days covered. For those who plan to attend OGF meetings and portions of the conference, which also includes two associated topical workshops as described on the event page, these are good options.

Session requests are still coming in. We will continue to work on the schedule and will look into the option for an OGF-only rate for those who do not plan on attending any of the co-located conference sessions. At this point it looks like a full week or at minimum, multiple days of OGF meetings will take place. It is not completely certain that we can arrange an OGF-only rate, but we will continue to try. Meanwhile, the discounted full conference rate mentioned above includes access to both the CAC 2014 and to OGF 42, which represents a good value and provides a basis for cost planning that will certainly cover all options.

In terms of schedule, at this point we can expect to have multiple meetings of the DRMAA and OCCI working groups, both individually and as a separate set of sessions for joint work, multiple sessions of the GLUE, JSDL and BES groups, as well as VOMS-Proc, Federated Security and CAOPS - the latter possibly in joint sessions by video coordinated with attendees of the EUGridPMA meeting going on in the first part of that week in Poland. There will also be a demonstration and tutorial on use of the Data Format Description Language (DFDL), for which both open source and commercial implementation work exists and that is seeing a lot of recent activity and uptake. Other working group meetings are possible - please get your session requests in ASAP so that we can finalize the exact days for each of these meetings.

In addition, we expect to see considerable activity regarding implementations, with a possible Cloud Plugfest or planning meeting for Cloud Plugfest events later that month in other locations, and meetings of existing or newly forming implementation community groups, especially those surrounding OCCI. The week is already pretty full, but there is time to put additional BoF, working group and/or community group requests in at the link above. We remind you that anyone can request a session and/or ask to form a new group and would be happy to help you through this process. We welcome inquiries about other implementation community groups or other new pre-standards exploratory groups that may wish to form around topics of interest. Please also get these in as soon as possible.

Note that the NSI working group will be meeting later that month in Uppsala at the NorduNet conference, and is also interested in ramping up its efforts very considerably on implementations.

Nearer term, we look forward to seeing all who are in attendance this week (July 13-18) at XSEDE' 14 and at the associated OGF 41 meetings. To see a list of attendees at the conference, visit the link http://xsede14.sched.org/directory/attendees and to connect your sched.org<http://sched.org/> account to social media, you can enter the appropriate information on the http://xsede14.sched.org/profile page. Please tweet, post, contribute to or otherwise follow events at the meeting by social media using the #XSEDE14 and/or #OGF41 hashtags.

Thank you for your attention to this update. Please take advantage of the above information and/or call it to the attention of your OGF colleagues, and please take action to book your lodging and make your arrangements to attend OGF 42 as appropriate.

Best regards, and please take action on the above,

- Andrew, Andre and Alan for the OGF events team
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