[wg-all] XSEDE'14 OGF sessions posted

Sill, Alan alan.sill at ttu.edu
Wed Jul 9 16:08:13 EDT 2014

Dear OGF participants and members,

The list of OGF sessions for the XSEDE'14 conference next week in Atlanta has been updated with session descriptions.

To see these on your laptop or desktop or other large-screen device, visit this link: 


To view the sessions on your mobile device, follow or enter the short link below:


Also of interest at this conference are several sessions having to do with portal and user support technologies, high performance computing and network technologies, many of which are based on OGF technologies including perfSONAR, SAGA, etc., and topics that remain of interest long-term in OGF, such as a BoF on credential management and another on EGI-XSEDE cooperative projects, a session on integration of UNICORE with XSEDE, and an OGF-sponsored BoF on identity management technologies that we hope you will attend.

We look forward to seeing all of you who are in attendance at XSEDE' 14. To tweet or otherwise follow events at the meeting by social media, use the #XSEDE14 and/or #OGF41 hashtags, and be sure to follow @OGFStandards on Twitter and send us any information you would like to see posted!

To see a list of attendees at the conference, visit the link http://xsede14.sched.org/directory/attendees and to connect your sched.org account to social media, you can enter the appropriate information on the http://xsede14.sched.org/profile page. If you know of a project or personal account that OGF should follow, please send the information to standards at ogf.org and/or call it to the attention of your colleagues.

Also don't forget to check out the information on OGF 42 to take place in early September in London: https://www.ogf.org/ogf/doku.php/events/ogf-42

- Andrew, Andre and Alan for the OGF events team

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