[wg-all] Reminders for OGF 38a and 38b and workshops; plus News Release: DMTF, ETSI, OASIS, OCEAN, OGF, OW2 and SNIA Announce Cloud Interoperability Week co-located in part with OGF 39

Sill, Alan alan.sill at ttu.edu
Wed May 15 20:43:31 EDT 2013

Dear OGF colleagues,

As a reminder, the deadline is coming up to register to attend the OGF/GLIF meeting to be held immediately following the Terena Networking Conference (TNC2013) in Jun win Maastricht, which we have designated as "OGF 38a", and also regular registration rates end soon for XSEDE 2013 to be held July 22-25 in San Diego, California. Links to information for these events are below.


We also have news about the Cloud Interoperability Week to be held in conjunction with OGF 39, co-located with the EGI Technical Forum. 

On behalf of the cooperating group of cloud standards organizations and open source communities sponsoring this event, I would like to call your attention to the press release just put out by DMTF, ETSI, OASIS, OCEAN, OGF, OW2 and SNIA to announce their joint Cloud Interoperability Week Sep. 16-20, 2013:


This is a significant development in that multiple cloud-oriented SDOs are cooperating on interoperability demonstrations, workshops and conferences in cooperation with user communities and projects in the open source and commercial communities. Registration information for this event will be posted as soon as it is available.

OGF encourages, endorses and promotes participation in this event, part of which will be co-located with OGF's 39th all-hands face-to-face meeting (OGF39) September 16-18, 2013 and the EGI Technical Forum in Medilla, Spain. The workshop and associated Cloud Plugfest are expected to continue through the rest of that week, and there will be a parallel Cloud Plugfest activities in conjunction with the SNIA Storage Developers Workshop that same week in Santa Clara, California. 

We would like to invite the OGF community and associated or related projects to participate energetically and enthusiastically in the Cloud Plugfest activities and to propose further sessions and locations at which further events like this can be held. 

If your working group would like to meet at any or all of the above events, or if you would like information about hosting birds-of-a-feather sessions or organizational sessions for new groups or efforts, please contact events at ogf.org or standards at ogf.org

Finally, we would like to remind you once more about the two special workshops we have endorsed this summer:


WIth the summer and fall now well in hand, we would like to invite proposals and ideas for OGF 40, to be held in the winter 2013 to early spring 2014 time frame, and for subsequent events.

With best regards,

Alan Sill, Ph.D
Vice President of Standards, Open Grid Forum

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