[wg-all] Reminder to upload your talks and materials for OGF 37

Sill, Alan alan.sill at ttu.edu
Wed Mar 20 11:13:08 EDT 2013

Area directors, group chairs and organizers for the last OGF conference:

Please upload your slides and talk materials as appropriate to the OGF 37 pages. If you have difficulty doing this, please contact Andre or myself and we can get these uploaded.

We are in the process of working on a way to replace these pages with ones that are based on the new OGF tool set.  Meanwhile many of our colleagues and your group members do find it convenient to look over slides and presentations and other material from the OGF meetings - which I found very productive this last time especially, so there is good reason for you to take action on this.

Again, please feel free to ask for help if you need it to get these posted.

Alan and Andre

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