[WEBMASTER] [Christian Media] Bible Prophecy - America Is About To Be Judged!

John deBritto freshwaterfromgod2 at gmail.com
Tue May 18 11:43:45 EDT 2021


*Jesus* said “If a house be divided against itself, that house cannot
stand” *(Mark 3:25),* and the present *division* in America is the short
term source of the nation’s woes. He also said “No man can serve *two
masters:* for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he
will hold to the one, and despise the other” *(Matthew 6:24).* Concluding
that thought, the *Apostle James* wrote in the New Testament “A *double
minded man *is unstable in all his ways” *(James 1:8).*  In the past, the
nation united against a greater evil (the war for independence against
unjust British taxation, the civil war against slavery, world war against
Hitler’s aggression, etc), but those days are long gone.

In the complex study of Bible Prophecy, it is self evident there are no
easy answers, as “intersecting” Spiritual forces have now placed the nation
– and the world order – in a deteriorating nosedive of instability. So
says *James
Lloyd* of the *Christian Media* prophecy ministry. Presently, the godless
left wing has the upper hand, because they have allied themselves with the
Red Chinese, who learned that a “cultural revolution” was needed to bring
Communism to their people. They have now infiltrated America with the
Communist version of “culture,“ and it has “leavened” the collective
Christian faction, thus rendering it powerless to resist the onslaught.

A recent Gallop poll shows younger Christians “have left their first love
[Christ]” *(Revelation 2:4),* and failed to follow Scriptural imperatives,
concerning morality, faith, and salvation. For example, although professing
Christianity, 88% say they get their primary guidance from various sources
other than the Bible, 76% contend that good people earn a place in Heaven
through their good behavior, and 71% do not believe the Bible is the true
communication from God. *All these views run directly contrary to Scripture*.
This condition explains why “judgment…must begin at the house of God” *(I
Peter 4:17). *In short, God is about to “set the sheep on his right hand,
but the goats on the left”*(Matthew 25:33). *

Older Christians are in equal peril due to deeper misconceptions about
Christian prophecy.* Christian Media* does have regular Internet video on
the subject, but the world’s Internet media censors, *under the control of
the Spirit of Antichrist* during the present period of apostasy in the
“church,” won’t allow us to give you the location of this free video
without the website being shut down. *Prophetically Paralleling* the
Pharisees that sought to stop Jesus Christ’s Apostles from preaching the
truth, media interests controlled by million dollar “Christian” *corporations
*(from the Latin “corpus,” or dead body), hypocritically deny their
supporters access to data that contradicts their escapist *“Rapture”*
narrative, for fear of losing financial support if their misrepresentations
are exposed. The Internet location of the underground video on the subject
can be provided by texting your name, email, and *POSTAL* mailing address
to *541/930/4440* with the phrase “lawless,” or by calling *541/899/8888*,
and leaving your name, *POSTAL*, and email address on the voice mail
answering device, and *Christian Media* will surface mail you more
information, including the location of the underground Internet website.

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