[WEBMASTER] [Christian Media] Bible Prophecy - The New Normal

John deBritto freshwaterfromgod2 at gmail.com
Fri May 14 15:45:28 EDT 2021

*Christian Media *



In seeking to describe the present frenetic pace of the world, the phrase
that might best describe the current circumstances is that it closely
resembles a *Runaway Train*. Certainly when reviewing the accelerating
slide into chaos that we’re presently experiencing in this world, it seems
like an apt description. However, when we realize how the LORD has long
warned the believers concerning the Spiritual purging of those who belong
to him, we might remember that God is the Great conductor of this “train,”
and He has everything under His divine control.

In fact, instead of looking at the incredible circumstances wherein the
world is obviously headed to what could be rendered as a catastrophic train
wreck, it might be more appropriate to consider the despair which is barely
concealed among the multitude that does not know *JESUS.*

Although most people try to conceal their very real concern as the world is
metaphorically hurtling towards the edge of a cliff, the truth is, people
that have no eternal hope are desperately seeking some semblance of
“normal” – that elusive condition that fled when the recent plague of the
“Plandemic” sucker punched the whole world. Not surprisingly, some people
anticipated the disastrous pestilence that has the public readily allowing
the tyrannical authorities to jab an experimental vaccination in their arm,
as they eventually adjust to something called *The New Normal.*

Long before the political maelstrom that is the Covid plague began,
prophecy and political radicals were waving a red flag, warning of distress
ahead. For instance, *Christian Media’s* health outreach *Sound Body*,
repeatedly mentioned the disturbing news about the series of mysterious
“accidents” which  had occurred worldwide, that had claimed the lives of
prominent micro-biologists two decades ago.

Actually, this occurred over 20 years ago, but most of the public ignored
such material, as it was overshadowed by the political propaganda that
continues to disparage the alarming truth as just so much fringe craziness.
For example, by 2004, *Christian Media* had repeatedly broadcast material
concerning what was then known as the “88 Microbiologists,” who had
perished in suspicious suicides and “accidents” around the world in close
succession. At the time, we publicly fretted that this was probably a
precursor of some then unknown global plague, as these scientists were the
world’s first defense against a pandemic.

In fact, from the beginning of the *Christian Media* ministry in the early
1990’s, we have continued to trumpet the truth of the impending health
dangers, as well as the political treachery associated with “The New World
Order” announced by President *GHW Bush* in 1991.

Two years later, very few were perturbed when the federal government, under
Bush successor *Bill Clinton,* burned dozens of Christians (and 17
children) to death, and prosecuted the survivors at a communal church in
Waco Texas.  Nevertheless, life quickly returned to “normal.”

By 2001, during Clinton successor *George W Bush’s* reign of terror, the
911 attack occurred, with hundreds of demolition experts claiming it was an
inside job. The still little known fact that the Pentagon announced they
were *missing* 2.3 *trillion* dollars the day before was eclipsed by the
attack.  Churches were packed for a few weeks in the wake of the unsettling
911 attack, but that brief “revival” rapidly faded, as the *New Normal*

Years ago, an unknown political pundit described the process as “slowly
boiling frogs,” in explaining why frogs don’t jump out of the hot water
that is cooking them. By gradually increasing the temperature, they adjust
to the *New Normal,* until it’s too late.

After “Black Horse” Bush successor *Barack Obama* had made America the
laughing stock of the whole world by apologizing for America’s history, and
his Attorney General was caught selling guns to Mexican drug gangs, Senator
Ted Cruz issued a scathing report that was published as “Ted Cruz Lists 76
*Lawless* Obama Actions.” This characterization strikingly fit the
Scripture which says “The Mystery of Iniquity” which is “revealed“ in the
last days speaks of a sharp spike in “lawlessness.”

“That day *[the return of Christ]* shall not come, except there come a
falling away *[from the righteous behavior generated by faith in God]* and
that *[lawless]* man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; For the
mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who *[restrains it]* will
*[restrain]* until he be taken out of the way” *(II Thessalonians 2:3,7).*

Even though *Christian Media *had long identified Obama as associated with
the fulfillment of the *Pale Horse* stage of Bible Prophecy in Revelation
6, that prophetic pronouncement was largely ignored by the Christian
community. When we began short term prophecies which would be fulfilled
during the Donald Trump campaign for president, in spite of the fact that
we were determined to publicize it ourselves by sending out *millions* of
Emails on the subject, the Christian controlled media erected a wall of
silence around us.

Now,* Christian Media* has categorically stated the Christians are
prophetically scheduled for “judgment, which must begin at the house of
God” *(I Peter 4:17)* because believers have lost the truth of their
identity in Scripture, forfeiting their standing as the “Sons of God” *(I
John 3:2) *to the Christ-rejecting Jewish people, claiming *they* are the
“chosen” people *(I Peter 2:9).*

Along the way, we predicted the fortunes of the modern state of *Israel*
were destined to rise because it is the Antichrist oriented *“Little Horn”*
of Daniel 7:8, and President Trump fulfilled that vision as he recognized
*Jerusalem* as the horn’s headquarters, while assembling the Abraham
Accords, which achieved an unprecedented alliance between Israel and the

Then as President Trump rallied for a second term, the American engineered
plague developed in a Chinese laboratory struck, and life has never
returned to *normal.* As millions and millions of people have now lost
their jobs and businesses due to the Covid “Plandemic,” and the Communist
plot  to steal the election from Trump succeeded, people longed for the
crisis to pass, so we could get back to *normal*. Now, with the data
indicating the promised vaccines are worse than the plague itself (and the
economic devastation that came with it), the population is again adjusting
to the *New Normal*.

What is truly tragic is how the people fail to realize they are living in
an earthly maze, being maneuvered through every phase by malevolent
intellects. Worse yet, the Scriptures tell us that Americans, as a people,
were blessed by the Lord, in the same way Old Covenant Israel was.
Unfortunately, we repeated their apostasy, thinking we now know better than
to follow *JESUS CHRIST*.

As we continue to boil in the home made stew we’ve become, instead of
realizing that a radical turning to the LORD is required of us, we continue
in the steadily escalating deteriorative conditions that are shaping our
material lives. And someday, each and every person that has failed to
listen and respond to the tugging of the Holy Spirit, will stand before
their maker and be judged for their failure to turn to the Savior for his
incalculable salvation.

Then as eternity dawns, they will gradually realize they’ve come to be
accustomed to eternity apart from God, and that will be the *New Normal*.

*--James Lloyd*

Bible Prophecy figure *James Lloyd *has successfully predicted, *in writing*,
events including political elections, military clashes, monetary events,
and even the length of the tragic BP oil spill in 2010 (he called it at 5
months to the very *day*). As far back as 1992, *Christian Media* published
a *written* prophecy of the assassination of *Yitzhak Rabin* of Israel – an
important prophetic event which was fulfilled three years later in 1995.
Many other events -- such as the 911 attack -- have also been anticipated
on James Lloyd’s radio and TV broadcasts.

*Christian Media* does have regular Internet video on the subject, but the
world’s Internet media censors, *under the control of the Spirit of
Antichrist* during the present period of apostasy in the “church,” won’t
allow us to give you the location of this free video without the website
being shut down. *Prophetically Paralleling* the Pharisees that sought to
stop Jesus Christ’s Apostles from preaching the truth, media interests
controlled by million dollar “Christian” *corporations *(from the Latin
“corpus,” or dead body), hypocritically deny their supporters access to
data that contradicts their escapist *“Rapture”* narrative, for fear of
losing financial support if their misrepresentations are exposed. The
Internet location of the underground video on the subject can be provided
by texting your name, email, and *POSTAL* mailing address to *541/930/4440*
with the phrase “lawless,” or by calling *541/899/8888*, and leaving your
name, *POSTAL*, and email address on the voice mail answering device,
and *Christian
Media* will surface mail you more information, including the location of
the underground Internet website.

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