[UR-WG] OGF-30

Henrik Thostrup Jensen htj at ndgf.org
Thu Sep 23 04:49:47 CDT 2010


On Fri, 17 Sep 2010, Andrea Cristofori wrote:

> I have requested a session of 1.5 hours at next OGF in Brussels asking
> preferably for the 28th or 29th.
> I hope we can all make it there and continue the discussion.

Ok, I hope to attend this, but isn't quite sure yet.

Is there an agenda? What will be discussed of UR2, AUR, and storage 
accounting record?

> In the meanwhile we could try to collect some request from the users and
> try to put all the informations together.

I have a list of extensions from the SGAS project (I'm the accounting guy 
at NDGF, and the main SGAS developer) to the usage record standard which I 
will post to this list.

I also have a use case for aggregation (how it is done in SGAS), and some 
(very) prelimary ideas of what should be recorded in a storage accounting 
record, which NDGF is starting to look into. Regarding storage accounting, 
there is an initiative in EMI for creating a record specification at the 
end of this year (most of you are probably aware of this). Their web is 
at: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/EMI/StorageAccounting

     Best regards, Henrik

  Software Developer, Henrik Thostrup Jensen <htj at ndgf.org>
  Nordic Data Grid Facility. WWW: www.ndgf.org

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