[UR-WG] UR for storage accounting

Donal K. Fellows donal.k.fellows at manchester.ac.uk
Thu Sep 3 10:13:34 CDT 2009

Andrea Cristofori wrote:
> I have been trying to follow the development on UR in the last few month 
> and I have a question for you. In particular I am interested in knowing 
> if any work has been made regarding UR for storage accounting. If so
> where can I find it?

There's not been a lot of work done on it. The problem is that the
people who have contributed work so far have tended to be from the
computation domain, not the storage domain, so we've not understood
what's needed. We can't work on stuff we don't understand (but yes, we
know it matters, and we know that networking is an issue too, and the
problems are about equivalent too).

> In case no work has yet been done is there a plan to include it at a
> certain point?

It's not on the group's near term work roster, which is focussed on
doing a production profile of the existing UR to make it able to meet
the requirements of production grids better. (Plus I'm snowed under with
management bureaucracy, which is really impacting on my ability to do
*anything* relating to OGF; too many folks demanding time-consuming
reports immediately...)

While doing accounting for storage is a longer term goal, I don't think
it's going to happen this calendar year. (Next year, it'll be someone
else's problem anyway due to funding changes here.)


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