[ur-wg] Mailing List Discussions: Comment #3c

Rosario Michael Piro piro at to.infn.it
Thu May 18 10:47:01 CDT 2006

Donal K. Fellows wrote:
> Rosario Michael Piro wrote:
>> To clarify what the field contains, it might also be called "VOName", 
>> being just a plain string. However, a field that determines the name 
>> of the VO is needed, at least for LCG/EGEE and I'm sure other grid 
>> projects/enviroments will appreciate it, too.
>> A better idea would eventually be having an element "VO" or 
>> "VirtualOrganization" that in turn contains an element or attribute 
>> "VOName". this would allow for later extension in case somebody needs 
>> an URL or whatever ...
> I'm not 100% convinced. But then I've never really understood what a VO
> Name is to start out with. Mind you, I don't feel all that much happier
> about the whole notion of VO; I suspect that it's overloaded with all
> sorts of stuff that perhaps ought to be described in different ways.
> I can't quite put my finger on what's making me feel like this though.
> Oh well... :-(

Well, it might be overloaded, but it is heavily used, at least in the 
HEP community. If we don't define in the UR standard, then I'm sure most 
grid projects/communities will add an extension since they require it. 
The risk is, of course, to end up with several customized extensions 
that make interoperability difficult, and this is excatly what a 
standard should prevent from.

Regarding LCG, for example, the single VOs (that correspond to the LHC 
experiments) want an accounting that is perfetly able to distinguish 
between jobs from different VOs (one use can be subscribed to different 
VOs and thus the accounting system requires information on the VO for 
which a user sublitted a given job, not only because of funding issues 
between VOs and institutes that provide the resources). They go even 
further and want to have accounting per group and role, to distinguish 
between jobs executed for production purpose or data analysis, job 
submitted by admins, etc. The group and role for which a job has been 
submitted is contained in the UserFQAN of the VOMS proxy certificate 
that has been used for submission (something like, for example, 
"/atlas/production/Role=...", where atlas is the VO, production the 
group, etc.)

Generally, I would say, that the identity of a user is far more than 
just his DN (Name). The identity of a user depends also on his role 
within an institute or VO. I have seen user DNs that were subscribed to 
even four or more VOs; I myself belong to several VOs. Who "pays" for my 
jobs if the accounting system isn't able to distinguish between jobs 
submitted on behalf of one VO or the other? And what if some VOs can 
execute jobs for free on a given resource while others have to pay? 
Those are realistic use cases that require accounting records to contain 
information about the user's VO. And I would even add the userFQAN to 
the UR, because you might also want to apply different prices based on 
wether a user is an admin or a student, wether he/she does production or 
analysis, etc.



> Donal.

    Rosario Piro (piro at to.infn.it)
Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare
Sezione di Torino
National Insitute for Nuclear Physics
Section of Turin, Italy

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