[ur-wg] meeting at GGF17?

Laura F McGinnis lfm at psc.edu
Thu Mar 9 19:12:21 CST 2006

In preparing to respond to this, I can't find the email I swore I sent, 
with the consolidated list of comments. So, as soon as I dig it up again, 
I'll get it back out. Meanwhile, please look at the comments as given in 
gridforge and feel free to respond, at least to me and/or the list.

I think a face-to-face in Tokyo would be a good idea, to keep momentum 
going and to talk about responding to an invitation to participate in a 
workshop at GGF18 that will address management and administrative issues in 
grids (possible opportunity to co-sponsor wiht PGS-RG, which I also chair).

Thank you for your patience and I promise to get the list out over the 
weekend, if not before.


(Just so you know - I'm not usually this scatterbrained, but my dad passed 
away the week after I got back from Athens, so life has been a little 
stressful lately, but I'm getting back on track now. thx)

At 05:46 PM 3/9/2006 +0100, Rosario Michael Piro wrote:
>Dear all,
>since I'm interested to attend GGF17 I wondered wether there is a 
>meeting/session planned for the UR-WG?
>    Rosario Piro (piro at to.infn.it)
>     http://www.to.infn.it/~piro/
>Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare
>Sezione di Torino
>National Insitute for Nuclear Physics
>Section of Turin, Italy

Laura F. McGinnis, Project Coordinator
Data & Information Resource Services
Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center                      email: lfm at psc.edu
4400 Fifth Avenue, # 409D                                  voice: 412-268-5642
Pittsburgh, PA  15213                                           fax: 

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