Fwd: Ecartis command results: unsubscribe

Michael Best themikebest at gmail.com
Sat Oct 17 17:46:11 PDT 2015

> How many other people on this mailing list bought a copy of the Cryptome
> archive, saw the logs, and kept their mouths shut because they knew damned
> well that they'd be causing the exact same shitstorm (with the same lack of
> anything being done about it) if they said anything?

To be sure, sometimes I have too much faith* in people and not enough

*Faith re: my expectations, not necessarily their righteousness or any
judgment on others

Regardless of how many people saw it and didn't report it, I think everyone
can agree that we all wish this had worked out more quietly and with less

--Michael the Fallible, First of His Name, King of the Fools and the Blind
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