Fwd: Ecartis command results: unsubscribe

Razer Rayzer at riseup.net
Fri Oct 16 13:41:32 PDT 2015

On 10/16/2015 11:48 AM, Shelley wrote:
> ...you're being an idiot, Ray.  Seriously.  C'mon.
> -S

It's *IMHO* "...you're being an idiot..."

i stand by my statements:

> (Michael Best, Your) trolling the list with the basically useless information that JYA
> netsol's right?) created a spike in the use of the word "Cryptome" etc
> on the radar of hackers and spammers, so yeah, you're responsible Mike.
> I can almost guarantee it wouldn't have happened without you.

and earlier:

> The only potential 'stink' here is if John had said he wasn't keeping
> logs, and he did so HIMSELF. If Network Solutions did so and kept the
> logs as required by the feds (and by the feds for perpetuity if
> there's encrypted data), there's fuckingwellnothing John could do
> about it, and IF he could acquire them from NetSol to sell signed and
> numbered editions, it NOT on him, but on all the idiots who visited
> his site 'barefoot'.*


> ----------
> On October 16, 2015 10:13:13 AM Razer <Rayzer at riseup.net> wrote:
>> And there you have it... The end result of Mike Best's troll... Gleaned
>> addresses being run through cryptome's listerver. The server admin could
>> detail from which IP these requests originated.
>> RR
>> -------- Forwarded Message --------
>> Subject:     Ecartis command results: unsubscribe
>> Date:     Fri, 16 Oct 2015 10:17:32 -0400 (EDT)
>> From:     FreeLists Mailing List Manager <ecartis at freelists.org>
>> To:     rayzer
>> Request received for list 'cryptome' via request address.
>> >> unsubscribe
>> 'Unsubscribe' request denied.
>> Your request was rejected for the following reason:
>> You are not on the list 'cryptome'.

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