Detweiler, Vulis, Toto, John Young, and mattd

R. A. Hettinga rahettinga at EarthLink.Net
Sun Jan 6 11:28:40 PST 2002

At 10:15 AM -0800 on 1/6/02, Tim May wrote, once again making me spew my
poor PBG3 with second-hand caffeine:

> You mean like your foaming-at-the-mouth denunciations


> You mean like your Toto-emulating incomprehensible ramblings?


>Namely, a mix of schizophrenia, dyslexia, paranoia, and Tourette's Syndrome.


> I used to thing folks were trying to emulate Detweiler, then Toto. Now
> I'm thinking there's some common miswiring in the brains of these folks.

Physician, heal thyself?


I'm sorry for laughing, Tim, because, having met you and John, I like you
both very much. However, the above round of name calling on your part is
funny to read -- laughing out loud funny -- coming from you.

Face it Tim, at this point -- if it was ever really much else, even when
what was said on this list had an actual effect on the world -- most of us
here on cypherpunks just are middle-aged old farts with nothing better to
do than sit around a moribund email list fulminating at the world and each
other. The rest of us are either the recently unemployed (or permanently
unemployable by choice. Those that aren't students, graduate or otherwise,
trying to solve the all the problems of the universe with simple
technological solutions. Sometimes, they're even people thinking they're
going to come here and learn about cryptography after discovering, for the
first time, what the social consequences of its use might be. Of course,
those people, especially those with paying jobs, won't stay too long,
unless they fit in the other categories, grouchy old fart, starry-eyed
student, or is-it-shelled-mister layabout.

As for paranoid schizophrenia, Tim, least Dr. Nash's beautiful mind won a
prize or two before seeing a spook behind every Bush.

Oh, well. Genius is a genius does, I suppose.

Rave on, gentlemen. This watering hole's still only half muddy, so far...

(Grouchy old pot calling a kettle black, of course...)
(Charter member, logorrheacs nyminous, with foaming mouth cluster)
("Don't give Mongo Ritalin, it only makes him mADDer...")

R. A. Hettinga <mailto: rah at>
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation <>
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

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