When the FBI Guys Come Knocking

An Metet anmetet at freedom.gmsociety.org
Wed Sep 26 07:28:21 PDT 2001

Meyer wrote:
On Tue, 25 Sep 2001, Aimee Farr wrote:

>> It is discouraging to see the disdain in which many of you hold the FBI
>> during a time when we need cooperation and insight from nontraditional
>> sources.
>Dearest Aimee,
>It's discouraging that the FBI has, though its own actions, time and time
>again, earned this disdain in which many of us hold it.
>Trust is not something given lightly. And once lost, it is rarely
>regained. What cause do any of us have to trust in the FBI and cooperate
>with it now? Don't believe in the "common enemy" fallacy.

     That's for sure. In fact, the FBI (and all other TLA's) are just as
much terrorists as the people who did up the WTC, and for all I know,
they *were* the ones who did up the WTC. At any rate, the USG is by
far the greatest threat to the peace and freedom of Americans in the
world today. Fuck them and all other LEO. If I saw a cop being kicked
to death by some dirt balls on the side of the road, I sure wouldn't
interfere or ever testify against them. 
   Get real Aimee -- death to all pigs, judges, prosecutors, and all
their ilk. 

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