Retribution not enough

Sandy Sandfort sandfort at
Mon Oct 22 15:06:24 PDT 2001

Harmon Seaver wrote:

> Of course you're ignoring the fact that
> sometimes the reason that they are
> "starving on their own retched little
> plots of land." is because of NAFTA and
> huge multinational corporations importing
> so much US factory farmed corn and other
> ag products into that country that they
> can't compete.

Ooo, there's a crime.  :'D

> Peasant farmers have been making an
> adequate living on "their own retched
> little plots of land." for at least
> since before any recorded history, and,
> for that matter, can still do so.

No, actually history records a succession of starvations.  (Remember that
part about Moses interpreting pharaohs dream about 6 fat and 1 skinny kine?)
Only modern "factory farms" seem immune that this cycle.

Also, your argument makes no economic sense.  Against whom are these
peasants competing?  Surely they can eat what they grow no matter how
cheaply the "rapacious" factory farmers price their wares.

 S a n d y

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