Let's Attack The Irish White Christian Terroroists...

Steve Mynott steve at tightrope.demon.co.uk
Tue Oct 9 08:42:35 PDT 2001

Ken Brown <k.brown at ccs.bbk.ac.uk> writes:

> In general the provisional IRA (*not* the same people as the "real IRA",
> who of course aren't) have given warnings when bombing what they would
> regard as "civilian" targets, though not against the British military or
> people they see as "collaborators" in Ireland.  There have been 3
> explosions near buildings I've worked in, and in each case there were
> police and firefighters there already. The Omagh business was quite
> different and done by different people.

It's the same people.  

The former quartermaster of PIRA Mickey McKevitt is currently the RIRA

PIRA also has had a history of fake and hoax warnings as well as a
lack of central control of their "Active Service Units".

"Most Real IRA members are former IRA" and "suspected of receiving
funds from sympathizers in the United States."


1024/D9C69DF9 steve mynott steve at tightrope.demon.co.uk

    the surest protection against temptation is cowardice.
        -- mark twain

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