Let's Attack The Irish White Christian Terroroists...

Steve Mynott steve at tightrope.demon.co.uk
Mon Oct 8 04:08:39 PDT 2001

jamesd at echeque.com writes:

>     --
> On 7 Oct 2001, at 12:24, CJ Parker wrote:
> > Of course we're not attacking a Religion or a Country's
> > 'people'... So let's prove it by launching Air Strikes
> > against the Irish Republican Army Terrorists and the Irish
> > Government entities that give them aid and support.  Lets
> > launch Air Strikes against the homes and families of the
> > SeanPennSeanFeind Irish Politicians who support terroroism.
> The IRA did not kill six thousand US civilians in a terrorist
> attack.

No but it has killed over two thousand UK civilians in its terrorist

Maybe the UK government should use its cruise missiles in selective
strikes against the areas of Boston where the terrorists appear to get
their support?

Or maybe not...

1024/D9C69DF9 steve mynott steve at tightrope.demon.co.uk

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