Dealing with Islamic terrorists, and with Afghanistan

Anonymous nobody at
Fri Oct 5 00:01:01 PDT 2001

>Re attacking Afghanistan, I don't even see why we're talking about going
>there in any kind of force, nor why there's talk of bombing it. We don't
>have a quarrel with the mass of Afghanis, but with the Taliban. Most of

You little piece of shit, don't you "we" us.

I have no quarrel with anyone just because some shithead wrote or said something.

My direct experience with Taliban (zero) and US government (a lot) makes latter a much bigger problem. Your handlers are trying to embed this "taliban" thing into sheeple's heads so that dogs of war can be let loose.

But just looking at WHO GAINED the most (see criminology 101), it's the US government that is the prime suspect here. I don't see ANY real gain for islam/jihad whatsoever. 

>razors, science fiction paperbacks, anything we can to drive the Taliban
>up the wall.

We ?

Fuck you.

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