CDR: Re: Authenticate the "adult field", go to jail...

Tom Vogt tom at
Thu Nov 30 04:19:57 PST 2000

"R. A. Hettinga" wrote:
> argument for bearer credentials if there ever was one...

there's also a couple other things in there that I find highly
questionable. the worst is right at the end:

> "We have forwarded it to the Justice Department's Office of International
> Affairs in Washington," Coggins said. "We are holding up hope that we're
> going to bring the Indonesians and the Russian to justice in the United
> States."

excuse me? shouldn't that read "convince the indonesians and russians to
*start a local prosecution based on their own laws*" ???? oh, I forgot.
the US-of-Assholes believes it's laws are valid for everyone and

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