Authenticate the "adult field", go to jail...

Tim May tcmay at
Thu Nov 30 09:30:23 PST 2000

At 1:19 PM +0100 11/30/00, Tom Vogt wrote:
>"R. A. Hettinga" wrote:
>> argument for bearer credentials if there ever was one...
>there's also a couple other things in there that I find highly
>questionable. the worst is right at the end:
>>  "We have forwarded it to the Justice Department's Office of International
>>  Affairs in Washington," Coggins said. "We are holding up hope that we're
>>  going to bring the Indonesians and the Russian to justice in the United
>>  States."
>excuse me? shouldn't that read "convince the indonesians and russians to
>*start a local prosecution based on their own laws*" ???? oh, I forgot.
>the US-of-Assholes believes it's laws are valid for everyone and

Unlike the Germans, who have never tried to get members of the 
American Nazi Party deported to Germany, who have never prosecuted 
Yahoo and AOL executives for violating German law by allowing 
thoughtcrime on their systems, and who have never arrested Americans 
transitting European cities for thoughtcrimes allegedly committed 
while inside the United States.

--Tim May
(This .sig file has not been significantly changed since 1992. As the
election debacle unfolds, it is time to prepare a new one. Stay tuned.)

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