Florida Election - Looking back to CFP2000

Robert Guerra rguerra at yahoo.com
Sat Dec 16 11:50:33 PST 2000

I'm reviewing the CFP2000 conference (www.cfp2000.org) proceedings 
(http://www.acm.org/pubs/contents/proceedings/cas/332186/) and have 
come across the following paper which I think is relevant to the 
e-election discussion which has been going on here...

Internet Voting: Spurring or Corrupting Democracy

[In conclusion]..

... We in Florida have consluded that, as long as we compy with our 
existig laws on election procedures and governmental structure, we 
can proceed with our efforts to formulate policy in the Technology 
issue area by examining, testing, and certifying Internet voting 
systems for pilot-project use. Furthermore, we believe this approach 
will have NO EFFECT on the political science issue area.

We are considering the certification of precinct-based Internet 
voting systems when a system vendor introduces a system which will 
meet or exceed Florida's existing standards for security, privacy and 

"...as we transfer our whole being to the data bank, privacy will 
become a ghost or echo of its former self and what remains of 
community will disappear"...Marshal McLuhan
Robert Guerra <rguerra at yahoo.com>, Fax: +1(303) 484-0302
WWW Page <http://pgp.greatvideo.com>, ICQ # 10266626
PGPKeys  <http://pgp.greatvideo.com/keys/rguerra/>

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