Learn the Secret Miracle of Health....

Tax Saints Air at inter-net-cafe.com
Sat Dec 16 10:38:06 PST 2000

Would you like to eliminate illness in your family?

      Imagine standing on an alpine summit in the warm morning sun.  Breathe in the mountain air and smell it's purity.  Drink form a nearby 
Mountain spring, its crystal blue and you can see all the way to the bottom.  Think if you breathed in that clean air and drank from that pure 
Mountain spring everyday, just how good you would feel?  By perfecting the two most important elements your body burns, you experience 
improved health immediately.. Pure Air and water are the most important things you can do for your body.  How many Colds and Flues does your 
family go through each year.  Three, four, maybe even five.  Most of the ailments your family faces through the year will Be transmitted by air or 
water.  Why is this?  Two reasons....  

The energy saving technique builders use most.  This technique is to seal your house up as tight as possible.  Dual paned super tight windows, 
Weather stripping around all openings, and thick insulation in the attics and walls.  While these techniques make a house very energy efficient, 
they also make it very unhealthy for you and your family.  And considering most American families spend more than 90% of their time indoors, the 
effects on your health can be huge.

Public agencies, which regulate your water system, have established acceptable level of various pollutants in your tap water, including 
chemicals and even human waste.  And what about pollutants like MTBE and other chemicals.  The chlorine treatment of public water does 
nothing to take into account serious chemical dangers, and little more against bacteria such as cryptosporidium.  The water you drink should be 
as nourishing as possible, not just good enough to pass public standards.  Your family deserve to drink pure water and breathe clean air.

Be the first person in your area to take advantage of the health benefits of clean air and water.  You feel great and your family will thank you.  
The Living Water Purification System use state of the art technology patterned after nature to give water as pure as a mountain spring.  It uses a 
triple UV and Ozone exposure to kill bacteria, and an active carbon filter to grab even the smallest of particles. Your water will taste great and be 
100% pure and safe.  Couple that with the benefits of a whole house Living AIR Filter and you have a house that is safe and odor free.  It's an 
investment in your family's health.

Living AIR uses technology taken directly from nature.  Ozone isn't just the layer above the earth, it is also a powerful cleaning agent, as much 
as 10 times as effective as chlorine.  The Living Air units are powerful ozone producers making as much ozone as competitive units twice as 
large.  Using activated oxygen an extra atom splits off from the ozone molecule, two things happen, dis-infection and oxidation.  As a 
disinfectant, these atoms quickly destroy the bacteria, mold, mildew and odors that can make you sick.  And the best part is, it leaves only 
oxygen behind.  Pure clean air, free of viruses and bacteria, air that smells good because it is good. You will breathe easier, and feel more 

But don't just take our word for it, try the Living Air in your home absolutely free.  Test it against smoke, nail polish remover or any other noxious 
fume and it will eliminate it on the spot!  We will ship a model to your home absolutely free.  All we ask is that, if the unit doesn't satisfy your every 
expectation, simply return it to us.  No strings attached.  Arrange for your free trial now, call 1-591-4500.  No salesman will come to your door. 
Living Air is it's own proof, try it today!

Pick up the phone and call 1-916-591-4500 !

Or go to the living AIR and WATER website for more information.  http://www.inter-net-cafe.com/air/

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