destruction of chemical weapons

Attila T. Hun attila at
Fri Feb 20 23:57:36 PST 1998


on or about 980220:0923, in < at>, 
    Bill Stewart <bill.stewart at> was purported to have 
    expostulated to perpetuate an opinion:


>but the US refused for a long time to sign the CBW treaties, and I'm not
>sure they ever did follow through and destroy their supplies.
>				Thanks! 
>					Bill

    they built an enormous incinerator in Utah near the Nevada border
    in the area of Dugway, but not within that restricted zone. it went
    operation about 18-24 months ago, was closed last year for 
    verification of contamination (Utah and EPA obviously against it),
    and as far as I know, it's opeartional and doing its thing.

    the govt was also building a facility in the south pacific; maybe
    on what's left of Bimini or one nearby which are within the 
    protectorate --no idea what the status of that one is except 
    Greenpeace was doing their usual howling about transporting 
    the stuff both in the US and across the big pond --they were
    planning on exporting the stuff through the port at Oakland
    Navy Yard.

    one of the largest caches of obsolete stuff used to be in
    the old munitions bunkers just south of Long Beach between 
    the freeway and the ocean --if not seal beach, then huntington
    beach --the bunkers were for the Long Beach naval ship yard
    and the port of LA.  have no idea what the status is as that
    was years ago --you can see the bunkers from the freeway --they
    go on for a couple miles.

    we did not want the incinerator on Utah, and are not too
    enthused about the reactivation of Dugway as a "more secure"
    Area 51 --it is, and much harder to access with no visibility
    points that plagued area 51.

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Charset: latin1
Comment: No safety this side of the grave. Never was; never will be


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