Some children are rabid and need to be put down

Rabid Wombat wombat at
Sat Feb 21 04:39:22 PST 1998

> >I call things as I see them. I've heard no spin-doctoring, just reports
> >of the child's behavior, admitted by her father.
> So one temper-tantrum by a 5 year old and its off to the BigHouse on
> Felony Assault Charges??

>From the sound if it; this was not "one tantrum", but a pattern of 
behavior that the parents failed to address after being requested to do so.

Would you want your children class with another child who repeatedly went 
into room-smashing rages with no appearant consequences for such behavior???

Sounds like the parents failed to "get around to" the counseling, and the 
school forced the issue.

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