Feds reading this list, Jim Bell, and threats

Phillip M. Hallam-Baker hallam at ai.mit.edu
Fri Apr 4 14:42:58 PST 1997

>paul at fatmans.demon.co.uk pissed off Hallam-Baker to the 
>extent that gave up all pretense hiding his support for
>a New World Order, and wrote:

Yeah, like I wrote in "The Laird of the new world order".

They said they worked for freedom but they had another plan.
The only new world order is, obey your Uncle Sam.

Must be in deep, deep cover.

>> I have degrees in Nuclear Physics, Electronic Engineering, I have
>> been offered a contract for my book on the philosophy of
>> communication.

 >  ...so the rest of us are just dirt under your feet?
I was pointing out that the attempt to claim that the rest of
us poor slobs didn't see Jim Bell as a shining Messiah was
not because we were too stupid to understand him as claimed.

>> I don't believe that people
>> are fit judges of their own cause as Bell and you do.
> So we should only fight for other people's causes, and not
>our own? Or not fight at all?
I think that before you murder someone because you think they 
are wrong you need to at the very least put the matter to an impartial


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