Feds reading this list, Jim Bell, and threats

Toto toto at sk.sympatico.ca
Fri Apr 4 13:26:27 PST 1997

paul at fatmans.demon.co.uk pissed off Hallam-Baker to the 
extent that gave up all pretense hiding his support for
a New World Order, and wrote:

> I have degrees in Nuclear Physics, Electronic Engineering, I have
> been offered a contract for my book on the philosophy of
> communication.

   ...so the rest of us are just dirt under your feet?
> I don't believe that people
> are fit judges of their own cause as Bell and you do.
  So we should only fight for other people's causes, and not
our own? Or not fight at all?
  It sounds to me like Jim Bell isn't the only one on the list
with his own drug lab. Did you bring enough for everybody, Phill?

> Who decides what "innocent" was?
>  Bells plan would lead to murder of innocent people.

  Well, I guess that now we know *who* decides.
  Send me a list of the "innocent" people, Phill, and I'll put
them in the blocking list on my AP-Bot.

"The Xenix Chainsaw Massacre"

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