Finally -- A crypto question from me...HD encryption

William H. Geiger III whgiii at
Wed Oct 23 03:16:09 PDT 1996

In <Pine.SCO.3.91.961022163414.27227C-100000 at>, on 10/22/96 at
04:36 PM,
   Perry Farrell <pneyz at> said:

>On Tue, 22 Oct 1996, Michael B Amoruso wrote:

>> Are there any good programs out there that can encrypt my HD??  Since
>> there probably are, please mention some and where I can get them.  Also,
>> no one mention PGP.

>Yes, the KOH disk encryption system. It is a small little thing that 
>encrypts the FAT (I believe) and nothing will work unless you know the  password. I
>also have a thing from the Navy that they use on their 
>computers which might encrypt the HD (I haven't checked it out yet). You  can find
>KOH at just about any extensive file listing of crypto or 
>hacking stuff. Try to find Silicone Toad's File Resources, as it has the  program.

>					pneyz (pneyz at

Well if you are running OS/2 you might want to check out:

They have an ISF (installable file system) that supports DES & 3DES in ECB & CBC

I personally haven't check this product out but bookmarked the page as it is the
first crypto IFS I have found.

William H. Geiger III
Geiger Consulting    WebExplorer & Java Enhanced!!!
Cooking With Warp 4.0

Author of PGPMR2 - PGP Front End for MR/2 Ice

Look for MR/2 Tips & Rexx Scripts
Get Work Place Shell for Windows!!
PGP & MR/2 the only way for secure e-mail.
Finger whgiii at for PGP Key and other info
*MR/2 ICE: OS/2, Windows/0

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