Finally -- A crypto question from me...HD encryption

Perry Farrell pneyz at
Tue Oct 22 19:22:18 PDT 1996

On Tue, 22 Oct 1996, Michael B Amoruso wrote:

> Are there any good programs out there that can encrypt my HD??  Since
> there probably are, please mention some and where I can get them.  Also,
> no one mention PGP.

Yes, the KOH disk encryption system. It is a small little thing that 
encrypts the FAT (I believe) and nothing will work unless you know the 
password. I also have a thing from the Navy that they use on their 
computers which might encrypt the HD (I haven't checked it out yet). You 
can find KOH at just about any extensive file listing of crypto or 
hacking stuff. Try to find Silicone Toad's File Resources, as it has the 

					pneyz (pneyz at

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