Fuck Cyberpromo

Tim Scanlon tfs at vampire.science.gmu.edu
Tue Oct 15 15:05:28 PDT 1996

Peter Tre wrote:
> Those of us who occasionally dip into that Slough of Despond
> known as news.admin.net-abuse.misc are *very* familiar with
> Mr. Wallace. Check out, for example, 
> news:// 32617de2.18341458 at news.onramp.net,
> where he is ignoring a court order to stop spamming.
> Bouncing mail back to him may be emotionally satisfying, but
> I suspect he filters it. He also has a skin as thick as a rhino's.

Not that I would do it, but SYN flooding could very well provide
an adequate solution to Mr. Wallace.


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