Fuck Cyberpromo

Peter Trei trei at process.com
Tue Oct 15 11:51:40 PDT 1996

> It seems to me that every time I send a message to cypherpunks, I get a 10k
> message entitled "RESPONSE FROM CYBERPROMO" from "abusebot at savetrees.com
> (Mail AutoResponder)" .
> I would expect that if everyone on this list who gets one of these things
> -- which I suspect is everyone who posts here lately -- turned right around
> and sent it on to this wallace at cyberpromo.com address, those, er,
> caprophageous cretins, (thanks, DCF; don't sue me for copyright violations
> ;-)) would get the hint in a hurry.
> I'm starting with the one I have, and, of course, I'll also do it for the
> message I get from sending *this* posting.
> Cheers,
> Bob Hettinga

Those of us who occasionally dip into that Slough of Despond
known as news.admin.net-abuse.misc are *very* familiar with
Mr. Wallace. Check out, for example, 
news:// 32617de2.18341458 at news.onramp.net,
where he is ignoring a court order to stop spamming.

Bouncing mail back to him may be emotionally satisfying, but
I suspect he filters it. He also has a skin as thick as a rhino's.

Peter Trei
trei at process.com 

Peter Trei
Senior Software Engineer
Purveyor Development Team                                
Process Software Corporation
trei at process.com

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