Remailers run by spooks

Black Unicorn unicorn at
Thu Mar 7 14:47:12 PST 1996

On Mon, 4 Mar 1996, Just Rich wrote:


> I have no doubt that the CIA can break 1000-bit keys on a case-by-case
> basis, *if they decide to allocate the resources*. I think it's possible
> that some remailers are run by spooks. However, I seriously doubt that
> anyone is breaking stuff routinely, and I think the web of trust is pretty
> good.

What does the web of trust currently have to say about the political 
reliability of remailers?

> However, I also have no doubt that Strassmann and Marlow are spreading
> disinformation and exaggerating their capabilities in an attempt to break
> the web of trust and incite a witch hunt. It won't work. The answer in any
> case is more use of remailers, not less. Just turn up the noise level. 
> You already know that nothing is 100% secure, but you do what you can. 
> It's a war of attrition.

And thus the winner will be the one who makes it the hardest for the 
other to fight, not who inflicts the most casualities.

> - -rich
> - ---
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My prefered and soon to be permanent e-mail address: unicorn at
"In fact, had Bancroft not existed,       potestas scientiae in usu est
Franklin might have had to invent him."    in nihilum nil posse reverti
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