Remailers run by spooks

Just Rich rich at
Mon Mar 4 15:57:39 PST 1996


On Mon, 4 Mar 1996, Anonymous (or so he thinks!) wrote:

> >Both presenters explicitly acknowledged that a number of anonymous
> >remnailers in the US are run by government agencies scanning traffic.
> >Marlow said that the government runs at least a dozen remailers and that
> >the most popular remailers in France and Germany are run by the
> >respective government agencies in these countries. In addition they
> >mentioned that the NSA has successfully developed systems to break
> >encrypted messages below 1000 bit of key length and strongly suggested
> >to use at least 1024 bit keys. They said that they semselves use 1024
> >bit keys.
>      I don't know about everyone else, but I consider this, if true, to be a 
> MAJOR worry.  It never ceases to amaze me how lightly the government takes 
> lying to the people.  Unfortunately I don't have the contacts or resources 
> to do any further investigation, I hope this thread is resolved one way or 
> another soon.

Yeah, didn't you know that Sameer was on the CIA payroll? How do you 
think he paid for his new Ferrari?

I have no doubt that the CIA can break 1000-bit keys on a case-by-case
basis, *if they decide to allocate the resources*. I think it's possible
that some remailers are run by spooks. However, I seriously doubt that
anyone is breaking stuff routinely, and I think the web of trust is pretty
good. Of course, the CIA had Ames... the reverse could easily be true. 

However, I also have no doubt that Strassmann and Marlow are spreading
disinformation and exaggerating their capabilities in an attempt to break
the web of trust and incite a witch hunt. It won't work. The answer in any
case is more use of remailers, not less. Just turn up the noise level. 
You already know that nothing is 100% secure, but you do what you can. 
It's a war of attrition.

- -rich
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