Pornography, What is it?

Nesta Stubbs nesta at
Mon Jan 9 21:07:46 PST 1995

On Mon, 9 Jan 1995, root wrote:

> As to data havens being dangerous to run...I don't know. At the recent HoHoCon
> there was a long discussion 'bout networks hidden within networks that was very
> intriguing. If Doug Barnes is reading this he may be willing to reiterate some
> of the talk. I do know that at the moment my partners and myself are looking
> at remailer software running under Linux and data havens are something that we
> have discussed. I personaly see data havens as a repository for information 
> that is beyond the keen of governments to regulate. This is the key point to
> me. Not whether it is industrial secrets, military secrets, or .gif's that 
> jr. can get his rocks off over. 

This is something I have been doing seom writing on lately, teh idea of 
nets on top of nets, the almost fractal nature of networking of this 
scale and horizontal nature on the INternet.  A DatHaven, like I 
mentioned in another post, is a vauge name, it could be some hacker kid 
with a lot of space on his HD and a fast modem who hacks the local 
univeristy and installes term, riggin his term connection to allow FTP 
connections, or telnet connections, or it oculd be someone with a decent 
size dinvestor backing him up as he gets a site linked ot teh net from 
some Carribean Island, who collects and intercepts TRW and Equifax like 
data on credit transactions and shit like that, selling it to those about 
to invest in soemone or something and want more info on it.  OR maybe 
it's an elaborate set-up of mail aliases thru remailer chains and 
clearing stations that lead to data safe deposit boxes, where someone can 
leave a large amount of date anon, and then allow osmeone else to 
retrieve it anon also.  With suffiecient planning, coding and equipment a 
datahaven could perform almost all the ideas that Tim came up with in his 
cyphernomicon, from selling crdit info, to a data drop box, to a holding 
agent for anon transactions(can't remember proper term).

damn I wish I could have made it to HoHoCon.

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