Pornography, What is it?

root root at
Mon Jan 9 20:36:44 PST 1995

> > 
> > I am very interested in the data haven issue now that I have my site up. The
> > aspect of pornography is a problem that has to be faced. To this end, I would
> > like to ask that we look at how pornography is defined.
> What you define as pornography doesn't mean shit, it's what the media and 
> jornalists and fundies etc.. decide is pornographic that you gotta watch 
> out for.  This means just about anythign that isn't vanilla After School 
> Special material is suspect.  
I am well aware that what I personaly consider pornography carries little
weight. But it does carry some since I do vote. There is the whole issue of
community standard that has been left out of this discussion so far and that
means that I as a taxed land owner (5 acres in Lockhard, TX) get to sit on
juries now and again. In that sense what I believe can carry a lot of weight.
Even to the point of refusing to convict somebody because I personaly feel a
law or precedence is incorrect. But when you consider states like Oregon where
the whole concept of pornography has been removed from the books it makes me
have a little hope for sanity. My personal contention is that pornography
does not exist any more than good or evil do, these concepts are based on our
personal ethos not anything absolute.
> I too mayt have a site int eh near future, so I am interested int eh 
> project also, as I have always been really into the idea of data-havens. 
> I think that a self-sufficient data-haven is going to need alot of 
> resources tho to continue it's operation past the pont were it is known 
> to exist.
As to data havens being dangerous to run...I don't know. At the recent HoHoCon
there was a long discussion 'bout networks hidden within networks that was very
intriguing. If Doug Barnes is reading this he may be willing to reiterate some
of the talk. I do know that at the moment my partners and myself are looking
at remailer software running under Linux and data havens are something that we
have discussed. I personaly see data havens as a repository for information 
that is beyond the keen of governments to regulate. This is the key point to
me. Not whether it is industrial secrets, military secrets, or .gif's that 
jr. can get his rocks off over. I see the whole pornography issue as a red
herring that keeps the dim-witted and ignorant busy on while everyone else
with a clue gets on with their own personal agenda. I do not mean this to imply
a conspiracy, simply that most DA's have something they want (ie political 
clout) and they will in general do whatever it takes to get. In a sense one
could consider such regulatory agencies as mercenaries for personal gain.

> i want to know everything
> i want to be everywhere                     Nesta's Home Page        
> i want to fuck everyone in the world               &
> i want to do something that matters         /-/ a s t e zine

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