[TC-RG] TC-RG Status and Future Work

Andrew Martin Andrew.Martin at comlab.ox.ac.uk
Wed Nov 15 13:58:40 CST 2006

Howdy y'all from Texas, where I'm attending a meeting of the 
Trusted Computing Group.  I learn that 25% of PC platforms 
shipped in 2006 will contain Trusted Platform Modules, that 
figure projected to rise rapidly --- close to 100% in the next 5 
years.  Everyone I speak to sees the value of using TC 
technologies to improve the security guarantees offered by grid 
platforms.  Wenbo and I are actively pursuing projects which are 
aiming to bring these technologies together.

Therefore, I'm surprised that our group has not attracted more 
interest. The fact is, though, that it has not, and the area 
directors now propose to shut us down: see the attached email.

Unless this email prompts a flurry of action, then, this is the 
end!  I feel certain that TC will hit the OGF agenda again 
sometime soon: but evidently it will not be via this RG.

So, so long,


       *From:  * Blair Dillaway
       *Sent:  * Thursday, November 02, 2006 9:56 AM
       *To:    * 'wenbo.mao at hp.com'; andrew.martin at comlab.ox.ac.uk
       *Cc:    * David Groep; Olle Mulmo
       *Subject:       *

       Dear Wenbo and Andrew:

       Thank you for the responses to my recent inquiry about the 
       Despite everyone's good intentions, it seems clear this RG 
       achieving the hoped for results. Work on the chartered
       deliverables hasn't progressed beyond first draft status 
and the
       group has failed to attract a critical mass of participants.

       After further discussion, the Security ADs believe its time to
       disband the TC RG. We do, however, believe the use cases 
       is potentially valuable to the community and support 
keeping the
       group active to complete a public review and publication 
       for that document. To do this, we need a commitment from 
you to
       produce a review-ready version of the use cases draft 
within the
       next 60 days. We'd expect the comment period, any required
       document updates, and the final publication decision to be
       complete within an additional 60 days. We do ask that no new,
       unchartered materials, be posted to the TC RG gridforge site
       during this time.

       Please let us know if you are willing to invest the time and
       effort required to complete the uses cases document. Of 
course, we
       recognize you may not believe this a good use of your time. In
       that event, we'll begin the process of shutting down the 

       Blair Dillaway
       OGF Security Area Director

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