[sem-grd] CFP: Grid Services Engineering and Management - GSEM'05

David De Roure dder at ecs.soton.ac.uk
Fri Mar 18 00:56:07 CST 2005

Call for Papers 

   The 2nd International Conference on

   Erfurt, Germany, 19-22 September 2005

   To be held in conjunction with the 6th International Conference
   Net.ObjectDays 2005 (NODE'05) http://www.netobjectdays.org

Aims and Scope

   The Grid has emerged as a global platform to support on-demand 
   virtual organizations for coordinated sharing of distributed data,
   applications and processes. Service orientation of the Grid also 
   makes it a promising platform for seamless and dynamic development,
   integration and deployment of service-oriented applications. The
   application components can be discovered, composed and delivered
   within a Grid of services, which are loosely coupled to create dynamic
   business processes and agile applications spanning organizations and
   computing platforms. The technologies contributing to such Grids of
   services include Service-Oriented Computing, Semantic Web, Grid
   Computing, Software Engineering, Business Process Technology, and
   Agent Technology.
   The GSEM'05 conference aims at presenting and discussing the impact of
   the latest theoretical and practical results from the above-mentioned
   technological and research areas on the engineering and management of
   Grid services and service-oriented applications.
   The conference aims at bringing together researchers and practitioners
   from diverse fields and interests, including Web Services, Semantic
   Web, Grid infrastructures, software components, workflow, intelligent
   agents and negotiation technologies, service management, and those
   looking for new business and research cooperation opportunities in the
   area of Grid services and service-oriented applications.
Suggested Topics

   The topics of the conference include all areas of grid service
   engineering and management, but not limited to:
     * Modeling, description and discovery of services on the Grid
     * Deployment, packaging, and distribution of Grid services
     * Grid service architectures, infrastructures and deployment
     * Software engineering for Grid service creation, development, and
     * Service provisioning and Quality of Service for Grid services
     * Workflow planning and composition for Grid services
     * Service level agreement negotiation and contracting
     * Adaptive management, coordination, monitoring and control of Grid
       services and applications
     * Formation and management of virtual organizations
     * Intelligent services and Grid service agents
     * Security, performance and reliability engineering in service Grids
     * Testing and benchmarking of grid services
     * Grid service business models and applications
     * Standardization aspects
Submission Guidelines

   We invite original research papers, work-in-progress reports and
   industrial experiences describing advances in the above areas, that
   have not been published previously, nor already submitted to other
   conferences in parallel with this conference. Full papers must not
   exceed 15 pages and follow the author instructions of Springer-Verlag
   that can be found at www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html, see also
   www.netobjectdays.org (Menu: For Authors). All papers should be in
   Adobe portable document format (PDF) or PostScript format. The paper
   should have a cover page, which includes a 200-word abstract, a list
   of keywords, and author's e-mail address. Authors should submit a full
   paper via electronic submission. All papers submitted for GSEM'05 will
   be peer-reviewed and similarly to the previous GSEM'04 the accepted
   papers are planned to be published in a special proceedings by
   Springer Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). A selection
   of high quality papers will be invited to submit extended and enhanced
   versions of their papers to the upcoming special issue of a major
   international journal.
Important Dates

     * Submission of Papers: April 24, 2005
     * Notification: June 3, 2005
     * Final Version Due: June 24, 2005
     * Conference: September 19-22, 2005
Conference Chairs

     * R. Kowalczyk (Swinburne University of Technology, Australia)
     * A. Polze (Hasso-Plattner-Institute at University Potsdam, Germany)
Organising Committee

     * P. Braun (Swinburne University of Technology, Australia)
     * P.Tröger (Hasso-Plattner-Institute at University Potsdam, Germany)
     * H. Krause (Transit Online, Germany)
Program Committee*

     * Stanislaw Ambroszkiewicz (Polish Academy of Science, Poland)
     * Alvaro E. Arenas (CCLRC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK)
     * Peter Braun (Swinburne University of Technology, Australia)
     * Jos de Bruijn (DERI, Austria)
     * Rajkumar Buyya (University of Melbourne, Australia)
     * Lawrence Cavedon (Stanford University, USA)
     * Dieter Fensel (DERI, Austria)
     * Bogdan Franczyk (University of Leipzig, Germany)
     * Jun Han (Swinburne University of Technology, Australia)
     * Yanbo Han (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
     * Ying Huang (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA)
     * Patrick Hung (University of Ontario, Canada)
     * Shonali Krishnaswamy (Monash University, AUS)
     * Martin von Löwis (Hasso-Plattner-Institut/University of Potsdam,
     * Seng Loke (Monash University, Australia)
     * Zakaria Maamar (Zayed University, UAE)
     * David Martin (SRI International, USA)
     * Ingo Melzer (DaimlerChrysler Research Center, Germany
     * Josef Noll (Telenor, Norway)
     * Jean-Philippe Martin-Flatin (CERN, Switzerland)
     * Roy Oberhauser (Aalen University of Applied Sciences, Germany)
     * Lin Padgham (RMIT, Australia)
     * Daniel Scheibli (SAP Research Center, Germany)
     * Ming-Chien Shan (HP Lab, USA)
     * Steffen Staab (University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany)
     * Do van Thanh (Telenor R&D, Norway)
     * Hua Tianfield (Glasgow Caledonian University, UK)
     * Rainer Unland (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany)
     * Gabriel Wainer (Carleton University, Canada)
     * Mathias Weske (Hasso-Plattner-Institut/University of Potsdam,
     * Stefan Wesner (University of Stuttgart, Germany)
     * Steve Wilmott (Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain)
     * Jun Yan (Swinburne University of Technology, Australia)
     * Jian Yang (Macquarie University, Australia)
     * Yun Yang (Swinburne University of Technology, Australia)
   * Confirmed to date

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