Andre Merzky andre at merzky.net
Sun Sep 18 12:38:20 CDT 2011

A wrong file was attached instead of the python bindings differences,
my apologies!  The correct file is attached now.

Best, Andre.

On Sun, Sep 18, 2011 at 2:59 PM, Andre Merzky <andre at merzky.net> wrote:
> Bon Jour, followers of SAGA,
> as a reminder, our SAGA sessions at OGF33 are at the following slots:
>  session 1: Monday,  9:00 - 10:30
>  session 2: Monday, 11:00 - 12:30
>  session 3: Monday, 14:00 - 15:30
> all sessions are in Room 'St Clair 3a'.  We will have to restructure our
> sessions, as several people voiced time constraints.  The proposed structure
> is:
>  session 1: Python Bindings
>  session 2: implementation updates, deployments, document business,
> general discussion
>  session 3: resource API, sync with other WGs, overspill from sessions 1/2
> For session 1, I again attach the list of binding differences between the VU and
> the LSU python bindings.  You may also want to review the latest
> discussion thread
> on our mailing list (see
> http://www.ogf.org/pipermail/saga-rg/2011-August/003733.html)
> For session 2, our colleagues from KEK have offered to present an
> update of their
> SD implementation.  I'll give an update of our current release and
> deployment plans.
> I would be happy to include short or long updates (with or without
> slides) from the other
> SAGA related projects, etc (Sylvain?  Thilo?  Steve?).
> We will also go through the public comments of the ISN API extension
> -- Steve, will
> you lead that part?  For the comments, see
> http://www.ogf.org/gf/docs/comment.php?id=370
> More comments to that API are welcome, before it is getting finalized
> in the next
> iteration.
> For the session 3, I attach the current document draft - it would be appreciated
> if that could be skimmed over *before* the session, to make the
> discussion productive.
> I hope you appear 'en masse' :-)
> Cheers, Andre.
> --
> Nothing is ever easy...

Nothing is ever easy...
-------------- next part --------------
|         VU module:context,class:Context         |         LSU module:_engine,class:context        |
|attribute_exists(key)                            |attribute_exists(str)                            |
|                                                 |--attribute_exists(routine_type,str)             |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|attribute_is_readonly(key)                       |attribute_is_readonly(str)                       |
|                                                 |--attribute_is_readonly(routine_type,str)        |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|attribute_is_removable(key)                      |attribute_is_removable(str)                      |
|                                                 |--attribute_is_removable(routine_type,str)       |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|attribute_is_vector(key)                         |attribute_is_vector(str)                         |
|                                                 |--attribute_is_vector(routine_type,str)          |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|attribute_is_writable(key)                       |attribute_is_writable(str)                       |
|                                                 |--attribute_is_writable(routine_type,str)        |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|clone()                                          |clone()                                          |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|find_attributes(pattern)                         |find_attributes(str)                             |
|                                                 |--find_attributes(routine_type,str)              |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_attribute(key)                               |get_attribute(str)                               |
|                                                 |--get_attribute(routine_type,str)                |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_id()                                         |get_id()                                         |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_session()                                    |get_object_type_name()                           |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_type()                                       |get_session()                                    |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_vector_attribute(key)                        |get_type()                                       |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|list_attributes()                                |get_vector_attribute(str)                        |
|                                                 |--get_vector_attribute(routine_type,str)         |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|remove_attribute(key)                            |list_attributes()                                |
|                                                 |--list_attributes(routine_type)                  |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|set_attribute(key,value)                         |remove_attribute(str)                            |
|                                                 |--remove_attribute(routine_type,str)             |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|set_defaults()                                   |set_attribute(str,str)                           |
|                                                 |--set_attribute(routine_type,str,str)            |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|set_vector_attribute(key,values)                 |set_vector_attribute(str,object)                 |
|                                                 |--set_vector_attribute(routine_type,str,object)  |
|                                                 |                                                 |

|       VU module:filesystem,class:Directory      |LSU module:filesystem._filesystem,class:directory|
|change_dir(name,tasktype)                        |change_dir(str)                                  |
|                                                 |--change_dir(routine_type,str)                   |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|clone()                                          |clone()                                          |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|close(tasktype)                                  |close()                                          |
|                                                 |--close(routine_type)                            |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|copy(source,target,flags,tasktype)               |copy(url,url,int)                                |
|                                                 |--copy(routine_type,url,url,int)                 |
|                                                 |--copy(str,url,int)                              |
|                                                 |--copy(routine_type,str,url,int)                 |
|                                                 |--copy(url,str,int)                              |
|                                                 |--copy(routine_type,url,str,int)                 |
|                                                 |--copy(str,str,int)                              |
|                                                 |--copy(routine_type,str,str,int)                 |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|copy_self(target,flags,tasktype)                 |exists(url)                                      |
|                                                 |--exists(routine_type,url)                       |
|                                                 |--exists(str)                                    |
|                                                 |--exists(routine_type,str)                       |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|exists(name,tasktype)                            |find(str,int)                                    |
|                                                 |--find(routine_type,str,int)                     |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|find(name_pattern,flags,tasktype)                |get_cwd()                                        |
|                                                 |--get_cwd(routine_type)                          |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_cwd()                                        |get_entry(int)                                   |
|                                                 |--get_entry(routine_type,int)                    |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_entry(entry,tasktype)                        |get_group()                                      |
|                                                 |--get_group(routine_type)                        |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_group(tasktype)                              |get_id()                                         |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_id()                                         |get_name()                                       |
|                                                 |--get_name(routine_type)                         |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_name()                                       |get_num_entries()                                |
|                                                 |--get_num_entries(routine_type)                  |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_num_entries(tasktype)                        |get_object_type_name()                           |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_owner(tasktype)                              |get_owner()                                      |
|                                                 |--get_owner(routine_type)                        |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_session()                                    |get_session()                                    |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_size(name,flags,tasktype)                    |get_size(url)                                    |
|                                                 |--get_size(routine_type,url)                     |
|                                                 |--get_size(str)                                  |
|                                                 |--get_size(routine_type,str)                     |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_type()                                       |get_type()                                       |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_url(tasktype)                                |get_url()                                        |
|                                                 |--get_url(routine_type)                          |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|is_dir(name,tasktype)                            |is_dir(url)                                      |
|                                                 |--is_dir(routine_type,url)                       |
|                                                 |--is_dir(str)                                    |
|                                                 |--is_dir(routine_type,str)                       |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|is_dir_self()                                    |is_entry(url)                                    |
|                                                 |--is_entry(routine_type,url)                     |
|                                                 |--is_entry(str)                                  |
|                                                 |--is_entry(routine_type,str)                     |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|is_entry(name,tasktype)                          |is_file(url)                                     |
|                                                 |--is_file(routine_type,url)                      |
|                                                 |--is_file(str)                                   |
|                                                 |--is_file(routine_type,str)                      |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|is_entry_self()                                  |is_link(url)                                     |
|                                                 |--is_link(routine_type,url)                      |
|                                                 |--is_link(str)                                   |
|                                                 |--is_link(routine_type,str)                      |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|is_file(name,tasktype)                           |link(url,url,int)                                |
|                                                 |--link(routine_type,url,url,int)                 |
|                                                 |--link(str,url,int)                              |
|                                                 |--link(routine_type,str,url,int)                 |
|                                                 |--link(url,str,int)                              |
|                                                 |--link(routine_type,url,str,int)                 |
|                                                 |--link(str,str,int)                              |
|                                                 |--link(routine_type,str,str,int)                 |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|is_link(name,tasktype)                           |list(str,int)                                    |
|                                                 |--list(routine_type,str,int)                     |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|is_link_self()                                   |make_dir(url,int)                                |
|                                                 |--make_dir(routine_type,url,int)                 |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|link(source,target,flags,tasktype)               |move(url,url,int)                                |
|                                                 |--move(routine_type,url,url,int)                 |
|                                                 |--move(str,url,int)                              |
|                                                 |--move(routine_type,str,url,int)                 |
|                                                 |--move(url,str,int)                              |
|                                                 |--move(routine_type,url,str,int)                 |
|                                                 |--move(str,str,int)                              |
|                                                 |--move(routine_type,str,str,int)                 |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|link_self(target,flags,tasktype)                 |open(url,int)                                    |
|                                                 |--open(routine_type,url,int)                     |
|                                                 |--open(str,int)                                  |
|                                                 |--open(routine_type,str,int)                     |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|list(name_pattern,flags,tasktype)                |open_dir(url,int)                                |
|                                                 |--open_dir(routine_type,url,int)                 |
|                                                 |--open_dir(str,int)                              |
|                                                 |--open_dir(routine_type,str,int)                 |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|make_dir(target,flags,tasktype)                  |permissions_allow(str,str,int,int)               |
|                                                 |--permissions_allow(routine_type,str,str,int,int)|
|                                                 |--permissions_allow(url,str,int,int)             |
|                                                 |--permissions_allow(routine_type,url,str,int,int)|
|                                                 |                                                 |
|move(source,target,flags,tasktype)               |permissions_check(str,int)                       |
|                                                 |--permissions_check(routine_type,str,int)        |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|move_self(target,flags,tasktype)                 |permissions_deny(str,str,int,int)                |
|                                                 |--permissions_deny(routine_type,str,str,int,int) |
|                                                 |--permissions_deny(url,str,int,int)              |
|                                                 |--permissions_deny(routine_type,url,str,int,int) |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|open(name,flags,tasktype)                        |read_link(url)                                   |
|                                                 |--read_link(routine_type,url)                    |
|                                                 |--read_link(str)                                 |
|                                                 |--read_link(routine_type,str)                    |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|open_dir(name,flags,tasktype)                    |remove(url,int)                                  |
|                                                 |--remove(routine_type,url,int)                   |
|                                                 |--remove(str,int)                                |
|                                                 |--remove(routine_type,str,int)                   |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|permissions_allow(target,id,perm,flags,tasktype) |                                                 |
|permissions_allow_self(id,perm,flags,tasktype)   |                                                 |
|permissions_check(id,perm,tasktype)              |                                                 |
|permissions_deny(target,id,perm,flags,tasktype)  |                                                 |
|permissions_deny_self(id,perm,flags,tasktype)    |                                                 |
|read_link(name,tasktype)                         |                                                 |
|read_link_self()                                 |                                                 |
|remove(target,flags,tasktype)                    |                                                 |
|remove_self(flags,tasktype)                      |                                                 |

|         VU module:filesystem,class:File         |   LSU module:filesystem._filesystem,class:file  |
|clone()                                          |clone()                                          |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|close(tasktype)                                  |close()                                          |
|                                                 |--close(routine_type)                            |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|copy_self(target,flags,tasktype)                 |copy(url,int)                                    |
|                                                 |--copy(routine_type,url,int)                     |
|                                                 |--copy(str,int)                                  |
|                                                 |--copy(routine_type,str,int)                     |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_cwd()                                        |get_cwd()                                        |
|                                                 |--get_cwd(routine_type)                          |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_group(tasktype)                              |get_group()                                      |
|                                                 |--get_group(routine_type)                        |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_id()                                         |get_id()                                         |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_name()                                       |get_name()                                       |
|                                                 |--get_name(routine_type)                         |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_owner(tasktype)                              |get_object_type_name()                           |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_session()                                    |get_owner()                                      |
|                                                 |--get_owner(routine_type)                        |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_size(tasktype)                               |get_session()                                    |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_type()                                       |get_size()                                       |
|                                                 |--get_size(routine_type)                         |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_url(tasktype)                                |get_type()                                       |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|is_dir_self()                                    |get_url()                                        |
|                                                 |--get_url(routine_type)                          |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|is_entry_self()                                  |is_dir()                                         |
|                                                 |--is_dir(routine_type)                           |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|is_link_self()                                   |is_entry()                                       |
|                                                 |--is_entry(routine_type)                         |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|link_self(target,flags,tasktype)                 |is_link()                                        |
|                                                 |--is_link(routine_type)                          |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|modes_e()                                        |link(url,int)                                    |
|                                                 |--link(routine_type,url,int)                     |
|                                                 |--link(str,int)                                  |
|                                                 |--link(routine_type,str,int)                     |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|move_self(target,flags,tasktype)                 |move(url,int)                                    |
|                                                 |--move(routine_type,url,int)                     |
|                                                 |--move(str,int)                                  |
|                                                 |--move(routine_type,str,int)                     |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|permissions_allow(id,perm,tasktype)              |permissions_allow(str,int)                       |
|                                                 |--permissions_allow(routine_type,str,int)        |
|                                                 |--permissions_allow(str,int,int)                 |
|                                                 |--permissions_allow(routine_type,str,int,int)    |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|permissions_allow_self(id,perm,flags,tasktype)   |permissions_check(str,int)                       |
|                                                 |--permissions_check(routine_type,str,int)        |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|permissions_check(id,perm,tasktype)              |permissions_deny(str,int)                        |
|                                                 |--permissions_deny(routine_type,str,int)         |
|                                                 |--permissions_deny(str,int,int)                  |
|                                                 |--permissions_deny(routine_type,str,int,int)     |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|permissions_deny(id,perm,tasktype)               |read(object,int)                                 |
|                                                 |--read(routine_type,object,int)                  |
|                                                 |--read(int)                                      |
|                                                 |--read(routine_type,int)                         |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|permissions_deny_self(id,perm,flags,tasktype)    |read_link()                                      |
|                                                 |--read_link(routine_type)                        |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|read(size,tasktype)                              |remove()                                         |
|                                                 |--remove(routine_type)                           |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|read_e(emode,spec,tasktype)                      |seek(int,seek_mode)                              |
|                                                 |--seek(routine_type,int,seek_mode)               |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|read_link_self()                                 |write(object,int)                                |
|                                                 |--write(routine_type,object,int)                 |
|                                                 |--write(object)                                  |
|                                                 |--write(routine_type,object)                     |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|read_p(pattern,tasktype)                         |                                                 |
|read_v(iovecs)                                   |                                                 |
|remove_self(flags,tasktype)                      |                                                 |
|seek(offset,whence)                              |                                                 |
|size_e(emode,spec)                               |                                                 |
|size_p(pattern)                                  |                                                 |
|write(data,size,tasktype)                        |                                                 |
|write_e(emode,spec,data,tasktype)                |                                                 |
|write_p(pattern,data,tasktype)                   |                                                 |
|write_v(iovecs)                                  |                                                 |

|             VU module:job,class:Job             |          LSU module:job._job,class:job          |
|add_callback(name,cb)                            |add_callback(str,object)                         |
|                                                 |--add_callback(str,object,object)                |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|attribute_exists(key)                            |attribute_exists(str)                            |
|                                                 |--attribute_exists(routine_type,str)             |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|attribute_is_readonly(key)                       |attribute_is_readonly(str)                       |
|                                                 |--attribute_is_readonly(routine_type,str)        |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|attribute_is_removable(key)                      |attribute_is_removable(str)                      |
|                                                 |--attribute_is_removable(routine_type,str)       |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|attribute_is_vector(key)                         |attribute_is_vector(str)                         |
|                                                 |--attribute_is_vector(routine_type,str)          |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|attribute_is_writable(key)                       |attribute_is_writable(str)                       |
|                                                 |--attribute_is_writable(routine_type,str)        |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|cancel(timeout)                                  |cancel(float)                                    |
|                                                 |--cancel(routine_type,float)                     |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|checkpoint(tasktype)                             |checkpoint()                                     |
|                                                 |--checkpoint(routine_type)                       |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|clone()                                          |clone()                                          |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|find_attributes(pattern)                         |find_attributes(str)                             |
|                                                 |--find_attributes(routine_type,str)              |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_attribute(key)                               |get_attribute(str)                               |
|                                                 |--get_attribute(routine_type,str)                |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_group(tasktype)                              |get_description()                                |
|                                                 |--get_description(routine_type)                  |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_id()                                         |get_id()                                         |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_job_description(tasktype)                    |get_job_id()                                     |
|                                                 |--get_job_id(routine_type)                       |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_metric(name)                                 |get_metric(str)                                  |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_object()                                     |get_object()                                     |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_owner(tasktype)                              |get_object_type_name()                           |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_result()                                     |get_result()                                     |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_session()                                    |get_session()                                    |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_state()                                      |get_state()                                      |
|                                                 |--get_state(routine_type)                        |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_stderr(tasktype)                             |get_stderr()                                     |
|                                                 |--get_stderr(routine_type)                       |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_stdin(tasktype)                              |get_stdin()                                      |
|                                                 |--get_stdin(routine_type)                        |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_stdout(tasktype)                             |get_stdout()                                     |
|                                                 |--get_stdout(routine_type)                       |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_type()                                       |get_type()                                       |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_vector_attribute(key)                        |get_vector_attribute(str)                        |
|                                                 |--get_vector_attribute(routine_type,str)         |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|list_attributes()                                |list_attributes()                                |
|                                                 |--list_attributes(routine_type)                  |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|list_metrics()                                   |list_metrics()                                   |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|migrate(jd,tasktype)                             |migrate(description)                             |
|                                                 |--migrate(routine_type,description)              |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|permissions_allow(id,perm,tasktype)              |remove_attribute(str)                            |
|                                                 |--remove_attribute(routine_type,str)             |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|permissions_check(id,perm,tasktype)              |remove_callback(str,int)                         |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|permissions_deny(id,perm,tasktype)               |resume()                                         |
|                                                 |--resume(routine_type)                           |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|remove_attribute(key)                            |rethrow()                                        |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|remove_callback(name,cookie)                     |run()                                            |
|                                                 |--run(routine_type)                              |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|resume(tasktype)                                 |set_attribute(str,str)                           |
|                                                 |--set_attribute(routine_type,str,str)            |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|rethrow()                                        |set_vector_attribute(str,object)                 |
|                                                 |--set_vector_attribute(routine_type,str,object)  |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|run()                                            |signal(int)                                      |
|                                                 |--signal(routine_type,int)                       |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|set_attribute(key,value)                         |suspend()                                        |
|                                                 |--suspend(routine_type)                          |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|set_vector_attribute(key,values)                 |wait(float)                                      |
|                                                 |--wait(routine_type,float)                       |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|signal(signum,tasktype)                          |                                                 |
|wait(timeout)                                    |                                                 |

|        VU module:job,class:JobDescription       |      LSU module:job._job,class:description      |
|attribute_exists(key)                            |attribute_exists(str)                            |
|                                                 |--attribute_exists(routine_type,str)             |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|attribute_is_readonly(key)                       |attribute_is_readonly(str)                       |
|                                                 |--attribute_is_readonly(routine_type,str)        |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|attribute_is_removable(key)                      |attribute_is_removable(str)                      |
|                                                 |--attribute_is_removable(routine_type,str)       |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|attribute_is_vector(key)                         |attribute_is_vector(str)                         |
|                                                 |--attribute_is_vector(routine_type,str)          |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|attribute_is_writable(key)                       |attribute_is_writable(str)                       |
|                                                 |--attribute_is_writable(routine_type,str)        |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|clone()                                          |clone()                                          |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|find_attributes(pattern)                         |find_attributes(str)                             |
|                                                 |--find_attributes(routine_type,str)              |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_attribute(key)                               |get_attribute(str)                               |
|                                                 |--get_attribute(routine_type,str)                |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_id()                                         |get_id()                                         |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_session()                                    |get_object_type_name()                           |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_type()                                       |get_session()                                    |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_vector_attribute(key)                        |get_type()                                       |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|list_attributes()                                |get_vector_attribute(str)                        |
|                                                 |--get_vector_attribute(routine_type,str)         |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|remove_attribute(key)                            |list_attributes()                                |
|                                                 |--list_attributes(routine_type)                  |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|set_attribute(key,value)                         |remove_attribute(str)                            |
|                                                 |--remove_attribute(routine_type,str)             |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|set_vector_attribute(key,values)                 |set_attribute(str,str)                           |
|                                                 |--set_attribute(routine_type,str,str)            |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|                                                 |set_vector_attribute(str,object)                 |
|                                                 |--set_vector_attribute(routine_type,str,object)  |
|                                                 |                                                 |

|          VU module:job,class:JobService         |        LSU module:job._job,class:service        |
|clone()                                          |clone()                                          |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|create_job(jd,tasktype)                          |create_job(description)                          |
|                                                 |--create_job(routine_type,description)           |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_id()                                         |get_id()                                         |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_job(job_id,tasktype)                         |get_job(str)                                     |
|                                                 |--get_job(routine_type,str)                      |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_self(tasktype)                               |get_object_type_name()                           |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_session()                                    |get_self()                                       |
|                                                 |--get_self(routine_type)                         |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_type()                                       |get_session()                                    |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|list(tasktype)                                   |get_type()                                       |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|run_job(commandline,host,tasktype)               |list()                                           |
|                                                 |--list(routine_type)                             |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|                                                 |run_job(str,str)                                 |
|                                                 |--run_job(routine_type)                          |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|                                                 |run_job_noio(str,str)                            |
|                                                 |--run_job_noio(routine_type,str,str)             |
|                                                 |                                                 |

|   VU module:logicalfile,class:LogicalDirectory  |   LSU module:replica._replica,class:directory   |
|attribute_exists(key)                            |attribute_exists(str)                            |
|                                                 |--attribute_exists(routine_type,str)             |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|attribute_is_readonly(key)                       |attribute_is_readonly(str)                       |
|                                                 |--attribute_is_readonly(routine_type,str)        |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|attribute_is_removable(key)                      |attribute_is_removable(str)                      |
|                                                 |--attribute_is_removable(routine_type,str)       |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|attribute_is_vector(key)                         |attribute_is_vector(str)                         |
|                                                 |--attribute_is_vector(routine_type,str)          |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|attribute_is_writable(key)                       |attribute_is_writable(str)                       |
|                                                 |--attribute_is_writable(routine_type,str)        |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|change_dir(name,tasktype)                        |change_dir(str)                                  |
|                                                 |--change_dir(routine_type,str)                   |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|clone()                                          |clone()                                          |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|close(tasktype)                                  |close()                                          |
|                                                 |--close(routine_type)                            |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|copy(source,target,flags,tasktype)               |copy(url,url,int)                                |
|                                                 |--copy(routine_type,url,url,int)                 |
|                                                 |--copy(str,url,int)                              |
|                                                 |--copy(routine_type,str,url,int)                 |
|                                                 |--copy(url,str,int)                              |
|                                                 |--copy(routine_type,url,str,int)                 |
|                                                 |--copy(str,str,int)                              |
|                                                 |--copy(routine_type,str,str,int)                 |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|copy_self(target,flags,tasktype)                 |exists(url)                                      |
|                                                 |--exists(routine_type,url)                       |
|                                                 |--exists(str)                                    |
|                                                 |--exists(routine_type,str)                       |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|exists(name,tasktype)                            |find(str,object,int)                             |
|                                                 |--find(routine_type,str,object,int)              |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|find(name_pattern,attr_pattern,flags,tasktype)   |find_attributes(str)                             |
|                                                 |--find_attributes(routine_type,str)              |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|find_attributes(pattern)                         |get_attribute(str)                               |
|                                                 |--get_attribute(routine_type,str)                |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_attribute(key)                               |get_cwd()                                        |
|                                                 |--get_cwd(routine_type)                          |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_cwd()                                        |get_entry(int)                                   |
|                                                 |--get_entry(routine_type,int)                    |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_entry(entry,tasktype)                        |get_group()                                      |
|                                                 |--get_group(routine_type)                        |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_group(tasktype)                              |get_id()                                         |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_id()                                         |get_name()                                       |
|                                                 |--get_name(routine_type)                         |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_name()                                       |get_num_entries()                                |
|                                                 |--get_num_entries(routine_type)                  |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_num_entries(tasktype)                        |get_object_type_name()                           |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_owner(tasktype)                              |get_owner()                                      |
|                                                 |--get_owner(routine_type)                        |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_session()                                    |get_session()                                    |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_type()                                       |get_type()                                       |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_url(tasktype)                                |get_url()                                        |
|                                                 |--get_url(routine_type)                          |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_vector_attribute(key)                        |get_vector_attribute(str)                        |
|                                                 |--get_vector_attribute(routine_type,str)         |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|is_dir(name,tasktype)                            |is_dir(url)                                      |
|                                                 |--is_dir(routine_type,url)                       |
|                                                 |--is_dir(str)                                    |
|                                                 |--is_dir(routine_type,str)                       |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|is_dir_self()                                    |is_entry(url)                                    |
|                                                 |--is_entry(routine_type,url)                     |
|                                                 |--is_entry(str)                                  |
|                                                 |--is_entry(routine_type,str)                     |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|is_entry(name,tasktype)                          |is_file(str)                                     |
|                                                 |--is_file(routine_type,str)                      |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|is_entry_self()                                  |is_link(url)                                     |
|                                                 |--is_link(routine_type,url)                      |
|                                                 |--is_link(str)                                   |
|                                                 |--is_link(routine_type,str)                      |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|is_file(name,tasktype)                           |link(url,url,int)                                |
|                                                 |--link(routine_type,url,url,int)                 |
|                                                 |--link(str,url,int)                              |
|                                                 |--link(routine_type,str,url,int)                 |
|                                                 |--link(url,str,int)                              |
|                                                 |--link(routine_type,url,str,int)                 |
|                                                 |--link(str,str,int)                              |
|                                                 |--link(routine_type,str,str,int)                 |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|is_link(name,tasktype)                           |list(str,int)                                    |
|                                                 |--list(routine_type,str,int)                     |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|is_link_self()                                   |list_attributes()                                |
|                                                 |--list_attributes(routine_type)                  |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|link(source,target,flags,tasktype)               |make_dir(url,int)                                |
|                                                 |--make_dir(routine_type,url,int)                 |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|link_self(target,flags,tasktype)                 |move(url,url,int)                                |
|                                                 |--move(routine_type,url,url,int)                 |
|                                                 |--move(str,url,int)                              |
|                                                 |--move(routine_type,str,url,int)                 |
|                                                 |--move(url,str,int)                              |
|                                                 |--move(routine_type,url,str,int)                 |
|                                                 |--move(str,str,int)                              |
|                                                 |--move(routine_type,str,str,int)                 |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|list(name_pattern,flags,tasktype)                |open(url,int)                                    |
|                                                 |--open(routine_type,url,int)                     |
|                                                 |--open(str,int)                                  |
|                                                 |--open(routine_type,str,int)                     |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|list_attributes()                                |open_dir(url,int)                                |
|                                                 |--open_dir(routine_type,url,int)                 |
|                                                 |--open_dir(str,int)                              |
|                                                 |--open_dir(routine_type,str,int)                 |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|make_dir(target,flags,tasktype)                  |permissions_allow(str,str,int,int)               |
|                                                 |--permissions_allow(routine_type,str,str,int,int)|
|                                                 |--permissions_allow(url,str,int,int)             |
|                                                 |--permissions_allow(routine_type,url,str,int,int)|
|                                                 |                                                 |
|move(source,target,flags,tasktype)               |permissions_check(str,int)                       |
|                                                 |--permissions_check(routine_type,str,int)        |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|move_self(target,flags,tasktype)                 |permissions_deny(str,str,int,int)                |
|                                                 |--permissions_deny(routine_type,str,str,int,int) |
|                                                 |--permissions_deny(url,str,int,int)              |
|                                                 |--permissions_deny(routine_type,url,str,int,int) |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|open(name,flags,tasktype)                        |read_link(url)                                   |
|                                                 |--read_link(routine_type,url)                    |
|                                                 |--read_link(str)                                 |
|                                                 |--read_link(routine_type,str)                    |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|open_dir(name,flags,tasktype)                    |remove(url,int)                                  |
|                                                 |--remove(routine_type,url,int)                   |
|                                                 |--remove(str,int)                                |
|                                                 |--remove(routine_type,str,int)                   |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|permissions_allow(target,id,perm,flags,tasktype) |remove_attribute(str)                            |
|                                                 |--remove_attribute(routine_type,str)             |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|permissions_allow_self(id,perm,flags,tasktype)   |set_attribute(str,str)                           |
|                                                 |--set_attribute(routine_type,str,str)            |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|permissions_check(id,perm,tasktype)              |set_vector_attribute(str,object)                 |
|                                                 |--set_vector_attribute(routine_type,str,object)  |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|permissions_deny(target,id,perm,flags,tasktype)  |                                                 |
|permissions_deny_self(id,perm,flags,tasktype)    |                                                 |
|read_link(name,tasktype)                         |                                                 |
|read_link_self()                                 |                                                 |
|remove(target,flags,tasktype)                    |                                                 |
|remove_attribute(key)                            |                                                 |
|remove_self(flags,tasktype)                      |                                                 |
|set_attribute(key,value)                         |                                                 |
|set_vector_attribute(key,values)                 |                                                 |

|     VU module:logicalfile,class:LogicalFile     |     LSU module:replica._replica,class:entry     |
|add_location(name,tasktype)                      |add_location(url)                                |
|                                                 |--add_location(routine_type,url)                 |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|attribute_exists(key)                            |attribute_exists(str)                            |
|                                                 |--attribute_exists(routine_type,str)             |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|attribute_is_readonly(key)                       |attribute_is_readonly(str)                       |
|                                                 |--attribute_is_readonly(routine_type,str)        |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|attribute_is_removable(key)                      |attribute_is_removable(str)                      |
|                                                 |--attribute_is_removable(routine_type,str)       |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|attribute_is_vector(key)                         |attribute_is_vector(str)                         |
|                                                 |--attribute_is_vector(routine_type,str)          |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|attribute_is_writable(key)                       |attribute_is_writable(str)                       |
|                                                 |--attribute_is_writable(routine_type,str)        |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|clone()                                          |clone()                                          |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|close(tasktype)                                  |close()                                          |
|                                                 |--close(routine_type)                            |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|copy_self(target,flags,tasktype)                 |copy(url,int)                                    |
|                                                 |--copy(routine_type,url,int)                     |
|                                                 |--copy(str,int)                                  |
|                                                 |--copy(routine_type,str,int)                     |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|find_attributes(pattern)                         |find_attributes(str)                             |
|                                                 |--find_attributes(routine_type,str)              |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_attribute(key)                               |get_attribute(str)                               |
|                                                 |--get_attribute(routine_type,str)                |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_cwd()                                        |get_cwd()                                        |
|                                                 |--get_cwd(routine_type)                          |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_group(tasktype)                              |get_group()                                      |
|                                                 |--get_group(routine_type)                        |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_id()                                         |get_id()                                         |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_name()                                       |get_name()                                       |
|                                                 |--get_name(routine_type)                         |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_owner(tasktype)                              |get_object_type_name()                           |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_session()                                    |get_owner()                                      |
|                                                 |--get_owner(routine_type)                        |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_type()                                       |get_session()                                    |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_url(tasktype)                                |get_type()                                       |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_vector_attribute(key)                        |get_url()                                        |
|                                                 |--get_url(routine_type)                          |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|is_dir_self()                                    |get_vector_attribute(str)                        |
|                                                 |--get_vector_attribute(routine_type,str)         |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|is_entry_self()                                  |is_dir()                                         |
|                                                 |--is_dir(routine_type)                           |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|is_link_self()                                   |is_entry()                                       |
|                                                 |--is_entry(routine_type)                         |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|link_self(target,flags,tasktype)                 |is_link()                                        |
|                                                 |--is_link(routine_type)                          |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|list_attributes()                                |link(url,int)                                    |
|                                                 |--link(routine_type,url,int)                     |
|                                                 |--link(str,int)                                  |
|                                                 |--link(routine_type,str,int)                     |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|list_locations(tasktype)                         |list_attributes()                                |
|                                                 |--list_attributes(routine_type)                  |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|move_self(target,flags,tasktype)                 |list_locations()                                 |
|                                                 |--list_locations(routine_type)                   |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|permissions_allow(id,perm,tasktype)              |move(url,int)                                    |
|                                                 |--move(routine_type,url,int)                     |
|                                                 |--move(str,int)                                  |
|                                                 |--move(routine_type,str,int)                     |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|permissions_allow_self(id,perm,flags,tasktype)   |permissions_allow(str,int)                       |
|                                                 |--permissions_allow(routine_type,str,int)        |
|                                                 |--permissions_allow(str,int,int)                 |
|                                                 |--permissions_allow(routine_type,str,int,int)    |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|permissions_check(id,perm,tasktype)              |permissions_check(str,int)                       |
|                                                 |--permissions_check(routine_type,str,int)        |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|permissions_deny(id,perm,tasktype)               |permissions_deny(str,int)                        |
|                                                 |--permissions_deny(routine_type,str,int)         |
|                                                 |--permissions_deny(str,int,int)                  |
|                                                 |--permissions_deny(routine_type,str,int,int)     |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|permissions_deny_self(id,perm,flags,tasktype)    |read_link()                                      |
|                                                 |--read_link(routine_type)                        |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|read_link_self()                                 |remove()                                         |
|                                                 |--remove(routine_type)                           |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|remove_attribute(key)                            |remove_attribute(str)                            |
|                                                 |--remove_attribute(routine_type,str)             |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|remove_location(name,tasktype)                   |remove_location(url)                             |
|                                                 |--remove_location(routine_type,url)              |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|remove_self(flags,tasktype)                      |replicate(url,int)                               |
|                                                 |--replicate(routine_type,url,int)                |
|                                                 |--replicate(str,int)                             |
|                                                 |--replicate(routine_type,str,int)                |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|replicate(name,flags,tasktype)                   |set_attribute(str,str)                           |
|                                                 |--set_attribute(routine_type,str,str)            |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|set_attribute(key,value)                         |set_vector_attribute(str,object)                 |
|                                                 |--set_vector_attribute(routine_type,str,object)  |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|set_vector_attribute(key,values)                 |update_location(url,url)                         |
|                                                 |--update_location(routine_type,url,url)          |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|update_location(old,new,tasktype)                |                                                 |

|      VU module:namespace,class:NSDirectory      |LSU module:name_space._name_space,class:directory|
|change_dir(name,tasktype)                        |change_dir(str)                                  |
|                                                 |--change_dir(routine_type,str)                   |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|clone()                                          |clone()                                          |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|close(tasktype)                                  |close()                                          |
|                                                 |--close(routine_type)                            |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|copy(source,target,flags,tasktype)               |copy(url,url,int)                                |
|                                                 |--copy(routine_type,url,url,int)                 |
|                                                 |--copy(str,url,int)                              |
|                                                 |--copy(routine_type,str,url,int)                 |
|                                                 |--copy(url,str,int)                              |
|                                                 |--copy(routine_type,url,str,int)                 |
|                                                 |--copy(str,str,int)                              |
|                                                 |--copy(routine_type,str,str,int)                 |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|copy_self(target,flags,tasktype)                 |exists(url)                                      |
|                                                 |--exists(routine_type,url)                       |
|                                                 |--exists(str)                                    |
|                                                 |--exists(routine_type,str)                       |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|exists(name,tasktype)                            |find(str,int)                                    |
|                                                 |--find(routine_type,str,int)                     |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|find(name_pattern,flags,tasktype)                |get_cwd()                                        |
|                                                 |--get_cwd(routine_type)                          |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_cwd()                                        |get_entry(int)                                   |
|                                                 |--get_entry(routine_type,int)                    |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_entry(entry,tasktype)                        |get_group()                                      |
|                                                 |--get_group(routine_type)                        |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_group(tasktype)                              |get_id()                                         |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_id()                                         |get_name()                                       |
|                                                 |--get_name(routine_type)                         |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_name()                                       |get_num_entries()                                |
|                                                 |--get_num_entries(routine_type)                  |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_num_entries(tasktype)                        |get_object_type_name()                           |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_owner(tasktype)                              |get_owner()                                      |
|                                                 |--get_owner(routine_type)                        |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_session()                                    |get_session()                                    |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_type()                                       |get_type()                                       |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_url(tasktype)                                |get_url()                                        |
|                                                 |--get_url(routine_type)                          |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|is_dir(name,tasktype)                            |is_dir(url)                                      |
|                                                 |--is_dir(routine_type,url)                       |
|                                                 |--is_dir(str)                                    |
|                                                 |--is_dir(routine_type,str)                       |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|is_dir_self()                                    |is_entry(url)                                    |
|                                                 |--is_entry(routine_type,url)                     |
|                                                 |--is_entry(str)                                  |
|                                                 |--is_entry(routine_type,str)                     |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|is_entry(name,tasktype)                          |is_link(url)                                     |
|                                                 |--is_link(routine_type,url)                      |
|                                                 |--is_link(str)                                   |
|                                                 |--is_link(routine_type,str)                      |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|is_entry_self()                                  |link(url,url,int)                                |
|                                                 |--link(routine_type,url,url,int)                 |
|                                                 |--link(str,url,int)                              |
|                                                 |--link(routine_type,str,url,int)                 |
|                                                 |--link(url,str,int)                              |
|                                                 |--link(routine_type,url,str,int)                 |
|                                                 |--link(str,str,int)                              |
|                                                 |--link(routine_type,str,str,int)                 |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|is_link(name,tasktype)                           |list(str,int)                                    |
|                                                 |--list(routine_type,str,int)                     |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|is_link_self()                                   |make_dir(url,int)                                |
|                                                 |--make_dir(routine_type,url,int)                 |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|link(source,target,flags,tasktype)               |move(url,url,int)                                |
|                                                 |--move(routine_type,url,url,int)                 |
|                                                 |--move(str,url,int)                              |
|                                                 |--move(routine_type,str,url,int)                 |
|                                                 |--move(url,str,int)                              |
|                                                 |--move(routine_type,url,str,int)                 |
|                                                 |--move(str,str,int)                              |
|                                                 |--move(routine_type,str,str,int)                 |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|link_self(target,flags,tasktype)                 |open(url,int)                                    |
|                                                 |--open(routine_type,url,int)                     |
|                                                 |--open(str,int)                                  |
|                                                 |--open(routine_type,str,int)                     |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|list(name_pattern,flags,tasktype)                |open_dir(url,int)                                |
|                                                 |--open_dir(routine_type,url,int)                 |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|make_dir(target,flags,tasktype)                  |permissions_allow(str,str,int,int)               |
|                                                 |--permissions_allow(routine_type,str,str,int,int)|
|                                                 |--permissions_allow(url,str,int,int)             |
|                                                 |--permissions_allow(routine_type,url,str,int,int)|
|                                                 |                                                 |
|move(source,target,flags,tasktype)               |permissions_check(str,int)                       |
|                                                 |--permissions_check(routine_type,str,int)        |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|move_self(target,flags,tasktype)                 |permissions_deny(str,str,int,int)                |
|                                                 |--permissions_deny(routine_type,str,str,int,int) |
|                                                 |--permissions_deny(url,str,int,int)              |
|                                                 |--permissions_deny(routine_type,url,str,int,int) |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|open(name,flags,tasktype)                        |read_link(url)                                   |
|                                                 |--read_link(routine_type,url)                    |
|                                                 |--read_link(str)                                 |
|                                                 |--read_link(routine_type,str)                    |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|open_dir(name,flags,tasktype)                    |remove(url,int)                                  |
|                                                 |--remove(routine_type,url,int)                   |
|                                                 |--remove(str,int)                                |
|                                                 |--remove(routine_type,str,int)                   |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|permissions_allow(target,id,perm,flags,tasktype) |                                                 |
|permissions_allow_self(id,perm,flags,tasktype)   |                                                 |
|permissions_check(id,perm,tasktype)              |                                                 |
|permissions_deny(target,id,perm,flags,tasktype)  |                                                 |
|permissions_deny_self(id,perm,flags,tasktype)    |                                                 |
|read_link(name,tasktype)                         |                                                 |
|read_link_self()                                 |                                                 |
|remove(target,flags,tasktype)                    |                                                 |
|remove_self(flags,tasktype)                      |                                                 |

|        VU module:namespace,class:NSEntry        |  LSU module:name_space._name_space,class:entry  |
|clone()                                          |clone()                                          |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|close(tasktype)                                  |close()                                          |
|                                                 |--close(routine_type)                            |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|copy_self(target,flags,tasktype)                 |copy(url,int)                                    |
|                                                 |--copy(routine_type,url,int)                     |
|                                                 |--copy(str,int)                                  |
|                                                 |--copy(routine_type,str,int)                     |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_cwd()                                        |get_cwd()                                        |
|                                                 |--get_cwd(routine_type)                          |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_group(tasktype)                              |get_group()                                      |
|                                                 |--get_group(routine_type)                        |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_id()                                         |get_id()                                         |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_name()                                       |get_name()                                       |
|                                                 |--get_name(routine_type)                         |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_owner(tasktype)                              |get_object_type_name()                           |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_session()                                    |get_owner()                                      |
|                                                 |--get_owner(routine_type)                        |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_type()                                       |get_session()                                    |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_url(tasktype)                                |get_type()                                       |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|is_dir_self()                                    |get_url()                                        |
|                                                 |--get_url(routine_type)                          |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|is_entry_self()                                  |is_dir()                                         |
|                                                 |--is_dir(routine_type)                           |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|is_link_self()                                   |is_entry()                                       |
|                                                 |--is_entry(routine_type)                         |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|link_self(target,flags,tasktype)                 |is_link()                                        |
|                                                 |--is_link(routine_type)                          |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|move_self(target,flags,tasktype)                 |link(url,int)                                    |
|                                                 |--link(routine_type,url,int)                     |
|                                                 |--link(str,int)                                  |
|                                                 |--link(routine_type,str,int)                     |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|permissions_allow(id,perm,tasktype)              |move(url,int)                                    |
|                                                 |--move(routine_type,url,int)                     |
|                                                 |--move(str,int)                                  |
|                                                 |--move(routine_type,str,int)                     |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|permissions_allow_self(id,perm,flags,tasktype)   |permissions_allow(str,int)                       |
|                                                 |--permissions_allow(routine_type,str,int)        |
|                                                 |--permissions_allow(str,int,int)                 |
|                                                 |--permissions_allow(routine_type,str,int,int)    |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|permissions_check(id,perm,tasktype)              |permissions_check(str,int)                       |
|                                                 |--permissions_check(routine_type,str,int)        |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|permissions_deny(id,perm,tasktype)               |permissions_deny(str,int)                        |
|                                                 |--permissions_deny(routine_type,str,int)         |
|                                                 |--permissions_deny(str,int,int)                  |
|                                                 |--permissions_deny(routine_type,str,int,int)     |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|permissions_deny_self(id,perm,flags,tasktype)    |read_link()                                      |
|                                                 |--read_link(routine_type)                        |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|read_link_self()                                 |remove()                                         |
|                                                 |--remove(routine_type)                           |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|remove_self(flags,tasktype)                      |                                                 |

|         VU module:session,class:Session         |         LSU module:_engine,class:session        |
|add_context(c)                                   |add_context(context)                             |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|clone()                                          |clone()                                          |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|close(timeout)                                   |close(float)                                     |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_id()                                         |get_id()                                         |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_session()                                    |get_object_type_name()                           |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_type()                                       |get_session()                                    |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|list_contexts()                                  |get_type()                                       |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|remove_context(c)                                |list_contexts()                                  |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|                                                 |remove_context(context)                          |
|                                                 |                                                 |

|            VU module:task,class:Task            |          LSU module:_engine,class:task          |
|add_callback(name,cb)                            |add_callback(str,object)                         |
|                                                 |--add_callback(str,object,object)                |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|cancel(timeout)                                  |cancel()                                         |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|clone()                                          |clone()                                          |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_id()                                         |get_id()                                         |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_metric(name)                                 |get_metric(str)                                  |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_object()                                     |get_object()                                     |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_result()                                     |get_object_type_name()                           |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_session()                                    |get_result()                                     |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_state()                                      |get_session()                                    |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_type()                                       |get_state()                                      |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|list_metrics()                                   |get_type()                                       |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|remove_callback(name,cookie)                     |list_metrics()                                   |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|rethrow()                                        |remove_callback(str,int)                         |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|run()                                            |rethrow()                                        |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|wait(timeout)                                    |run()                                            |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|                                                 |wait(float)                                      |
|                                                 |                                                 |

|        VU module:task,class:TaskContainer       |     LSU module:_engine,class:task_container     |
|add(t)                                           |add_callback(str,object)                         |
|                                                 |--add_callback(str,object,object)                |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|add_callback(name,cb)                            |add_task(task)                                   |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|cancel(timeout)                                  |cancel()                                         |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|clone()                                          |clone()                                          |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_id()                                         |get_id()                                         |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_metric(name)                                 |get_metric(str)                                  |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_session()                                    |get_object_type_name()                           |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_states()                                     |get_session()                                    |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_task(cookie)                                 |get_states()                                     |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_tasks()                                      |get_type()                                       |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_type()                                       |list_metrics()                                   |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|list_metrics()                                   |list_tasks()                                     |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|list_tasks()                                     |remove_callback(str,int)                         |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|remove(t)                                        |remove_task(task)                                |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|remove_callback(name,cookie)                     |run()                                            |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|run()                                            |wait(object,float)                               |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|size()                                           |                                                 |
|wait(mode,timeout)                               |                                                 |

|             VU module:url,class:URL             |           LSU module:_engine,class:url          |
|clone()                                          |clone()                                          |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_fragment()                                   |get_string()                                     |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_host()                                       |translate(str)                                   |
|                                                 |--translate(routine_type,str)                    |
|                                                 |--translate(session,str)                         |
|                                                 |--translate(routine_type,session,str)            |
|                                                 |                                                 |
|get_id()                                         |                                                 |
|get_path()                                       |                                                 |
|get_port()                                       |                                                 |
|get_query()                                      |                                                 |
|get_scheme()                                     |                                                 |
|get_session()                                    |                                                 |
|get_string()                                     |                                                 |
|get_type()                                       |                                                 |
|get_userinfo()                                   |                                                 |
|set_fragment(fragment)                           |                                                 |
|set_host(host)                                   |                                                 |
|set_path(path)                                   |                                                 |
|set_port(port)                                   |                                                 |
|set_query(query)                                 |                                                 |
|set_scheme(scheme)                               |                                                 |
|set_string(url_string)                           |                                                 |
|set_userinfo(userinfo)                           |                                                 |
|translate(scheme)                                |                                                 |

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