Terry Sloan tms at epcc.ed.ac.uk
Thu Nov 8 04:12:22 CST 2007

Hi all,

If any of you are going to SC'07 in Reno next week please note that the 
DESHL, the SAGA-based tool
 from the DEISA project, will be presented by Kenton D'Mellow 
(EPCC/DEISA) at the Booth: NIC - John von Neumann Institute for 
Computing (Booth #2633).  Also at the same booth, the DESHL will be used 
in the OGF GIN demonstration GINSC2007-010: DEISA and Australian Grid 
Interop (GO!) - a semonstration of a small job workflow between DEISA 
and Australian Grid (Monash).

for more information.

You can also catch Kenton D'Mellow at the EPCC booth.

Is anyone else going and doing similar demonstrations/presentations ? If 
yes, could you please mail the list so that I can ask Kenton to visit 
and talk to you.

Best regards,


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