[saga-rg] Fwd (s.jha at ucl.ac.uk): terry sloan/malcolm

Andre Merzky andre at merzky.net
Mon Jan 30 05:19:38 CST 2006

Dear Terry, 

our excuses that responding to your mail took us so long -
that does not at all mean that we don't find that
interesting! :-)  Actually, we are very excited that
somebody is taking up parts of the SAGA API and is
implementing is - we wish we'd see more of that :-D

Anyway, nowadays most emails seem to start with excuses for
delay *sigh*

The zip file available at the pointer you prvided contains a
design document.  We read that, and do have a couple of

First of all, we are happy that the API you implemented
stayed so close to the SAGA spec.  Well, positively thinking
as we are, we think that this reflects the validity of the
API.  OTOH, we don't know how painful that was for you ;-)
Well, was it painful?

Further questions:

 - Can we add your document to our informal list of UC, i.e.
   put it on our wiki for future references?  That would
   probably imply GGF IP policy, which means public domain -
   however, Copyright is of course not affected.

 - Roctopus sound very interesting: is fair to say it is to unicore what CoG is to Globus?
 - What security mechanisms are you using on middleware

 - would it be possibly for you to document the problems you
   had while implementing in detail?  We figured some of
   them from the docs (see below) - are there others?

 - The docs mention the lack of resource discovery in SAGA -
   is that a huge problem for you?

 - changes from interface to class, e.g. NSDir:
   we figured out the same in the C++ implementastion: it is
   much more convenient to have NSDir etc as classes.

 - get_name and get_URL: 
   We have fixed this I think, get_URL now exists

 - pg 18, add "doesAttributeExist" , "isAttributeReadOnly"
   Right, introspection for the attributes was missing, we
   added that.  Thanks!

 - pg 18 mentions inconsistencies - could you elaborate on
   that, please?

 - pg 20, suggestion to clean-up is a good point of course.
   Its now on the TODO/Isuse list (not sure what that means
   though ;-)

 - pg 5 mentiosn your future OGSA activity - is there a
   timeline for that?

Cheers, Andre & Shantenu.

Quoting [Terry Sloan] (Nov 24 2005):
> Date: Thu, 24 Nov 2005 14:29:08 +0000
> From: Terry Sloan <tms at epcc.ed.ac.uk>
> To: Simple API for Grid Applications WG <saga-rg at ggf.org>
> Subject: [saga-rg] Update on the DEISA SAGA-based tool
> Hi all,
> Just thought you might be interested to know  the JRA7 team from the 
> DEISA project have just released the latest version of their command 
> line tool that is based on parts of  NSDir and JobManagement.
> You can download the software 
> http://forge.nesc.ac.uk/projects/deisa-jra7/ under Latest file releases.
> Regards,
> Terry Sloan

| Andre Merzky                      | phon: +31 - 20 - 598 - 7759 |
| Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) | fax : +31 - 20 - 598 - 7653 |
| Dept. of Computer Science         | mail: merzky at cs.vu.nl       |
| De Boelelaan 1083a                | www:  http://www.merzky.net |
| 1081 HV Amsterdam, Netherlands    |                             |

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