[RUS-WG] RUPI rendering document - COMMENTS please

Joshua Green j.green at epcc.ed.ac.uk
Tue Mar 17 13:01:00 CDT 2009

Hello all,

For those not familiar with the events that occured at OGF25, the RUS
specification is to be split up.  The first part of the new set of
specificaitons is the Resource Usage Publishing Interface (RUPI) which
is essentially the publishing/upload part of the old RUS spec.
Gilbert volunteered to write the IDL document and I volunteered to
write the rendering document.

The document is now written and is in the gridforge documents section
at 'Documents/RUPI/Editors Copies' (or at the web page
which is it's equivalent location).  I do not know how/if it is
possible to tie it into a tracker but if anyone know's how to do so
then please let me know (or do it for me).  I didn't upload it
directly to the tracker because I didn't think it had a versioning
feature like documents to on gridforge.  However, I don't really know
how gridforge works so someone please correct me if appropriate.

Everything in red is editors notes and will be removed before the
final draft.  There are 14 questions at the end of the document and I
would appreaciate as many people as possible answering them.

I would also appreciate it if as many people as possible read the
entire document and commented on it.  If you wish, you can download
the document and make modifications and send them back to me for
integration.  I have uploaded the document in doc and odt format for
everyone's convenience.  Please note however that I use open office
and so the doc version is a converted copy.  It's a pretty good
converted copy but it does have a few bugs in it - namely that the
references regeneration doesn't work (as far as can tell - i tried it
in word 2003).  Having said that, I would hope Word has an odt parser
now so can read/write the odt version (yay standards! - sort of).

I apologise to Gilbert who warned me against using 'fancy formatting'.
 I wasn't going to at first but after seeing the bad state the
standard OGF template was in and really wanting to do things like
cross referencing and automatic header numbering I did it anyway.
Please don't play with formatting unless you really have to.  However,
if you think a particular formatting choice is wrong, please point it
out to me and I'll make the appropriate change.

I don't know how people want to go ahead with modifications.  I would
suggest download the document, edit it and send it to me
(j.green at epcc.ed.ac.uk).  I can then incorporate any obvious errors
and upload it again.  Alternatively we could allow anyone to replace
the version I uploaded.  This could get hairy though as one person
makes a change the rest don't agree with and standard wiki editing
style flame war commences.  I think using me as a central uploader is
probably safer but let me know if you think this is a bad idea.

I'm hoping we can get this document finished in a month or two and get
it into the editor before/during the summer.  I will start
implementing this spec in about a month.



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