[Risge-rg] ARI - charter, some questions to be answered to OGF

Marcin Plociennik marcinp at man.poznan.pl
Thu Jun 17 08:00:24 CDT 2010

Dear All,
there are 2 questions coming from OGF to be answered before the group 
could be accepted,
I would like to know your oppinion:

"We wonder what the overlap of SIM with CIM and GLUE would

be, and how much ARI's SIM can benefit from those information
models?  Did you, at any point, consider to perform your work within
the GLUE group?  In general, we would recomment to cooperate closely
with GLUE, where approriate.  In particular, you might want to
discuss with GLUE if and how your models would fit into the 'GLUE
meta model'.  (FWIW: the same likely holds for CIM, but we recognize
the fact that interaction with DMTF would put quite some additonal
burden on the group.)



"If it is ok with you, we would like to have your group in the
Management area

I think this is fine.

best regards

              Marcin Plociennik
Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center

61-704 Poznan, ul. Noskowskiego 10 POLAND
phone (+48 61) 8582181
e-mail: marcinp at man.poznan.pl

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