[Risge-rg] Meeting during OGF27

Marcin Plociennik marcinp at man.poznan.pl
Thu Aug 13 08:03:02 CDT 2009

Dear All,

I would like to remind that we have agreed to have our next f2f meeting 
during OGF 27 in Banff.
the link to the event: http://www.ogf.org/OGF27/index.php

The initial idea was to have during the meeting the BoF for the possible 
future Working Group, but since we haven't yet
all the results of the evaluation analysis I will ask for 2 RISGE-RG 
session and if we will be ready with the analysis soon
then we can decide to have one session of RISGE-RG and the session of 
BoF. As I see the deadline for the decision is 28th of August..

Let me know if you disagree or have any other suggestions.
Also please don't forget to register to the event

best regards

              Marcin Plociennik
 Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center

 61-704 Poznan, ul. Noskowskiego 10 POLAND
 phone (+48 61) 8582181
 e-mail: marcinp at man.poznan.pl

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